
The following describes the RoBIOS operating system library routines in RoBIOS version 1.6. Please note, that newer versions of the RoBIOS software may differ from the functionality described below. Please refer to the latest software documentation. The following libraries are available in ROM for programming in C.
Please note, that there are also a number of libraries available, which are not listed here, since they are not in ROM but in the EyeBot distribution (e.g. elaborate image processing library). They can also be linked with an application program, as shown in the demo programs provided.

Return Codes

Unless specifically noted otherwise, all routines return 0 when successfull, or a value !=0 when an error has occured. Only very few routines support multiple return codes.

Image Processing

Basic image processing functions (library robios):
int IPLaplace (image *src, image *dest);
        Input:          (src) source b/w image
        Output:         (dest) destination b/w image
        Semantics:      The Laplace operator is applied to the source image
                        and the result ist written to the destination image

int IPSobel (image *src, image *dest);
        Input:          (src) source b/w image
        Output:         (dest) destination b/w image
        Semantics:      The Sobel operator is applied to the source image
                        and the result ist written to the destination image

int IPDither (image *src, image *dest);
        Input:          (src) source b/w image
        Output:         (dest) destination b/w image
        Semantics:      The Dithering operator with a 2x2 pattern is applied
                        to the source image and the result ist written to the
                        destination image

int IPDiffer (image *current, image *last, image *dest);
        Input:          (current) the current b/w image
                        (last) the last read b/w image
        Output:         (dest) destination b/w image
        Semantics:      The Laplace operator is applied to the source image
                        and the result ist written to the destination image

int IPColor2Grey (colimage *src, image *dest);
        Input:          (src) source color image
        Output:         (dest) destination b/w image
        Semantics:      The Laplace operator is applied to the source image
                        and the result ist written to the destination image

Data Types:

        /* image is 80x60 but has a border of 1 pixel */
        #define imagerows 82
        #define imagelines 62

        typedef BYTE image[imagelines][imagerows];
        typedef BYTE colimage[imagelines][imagerows][3];
Advanced image processing functions are available as library improc. For detailed info see Improv web-page.

Key Input

Using the standard Unix "libc" library, it is possible to use standard C "scanf" commands to read key "characters" from the "keyboard".
int KEYGetBuf (char *buf);
        Input:          (buf) a pointer to a character buffer
        Output:         (buf) the keycode is written into the buffer
                        Valid keycodes are: KEY1,KEY2,KEY3,KEY4 (keys from left to right)
        Semantics:      Wait for a keypress and store the keycode into the buffer

int KEYGet (void);
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         (returncode) the keycode of a pressed key is returned
                        Valid keycodes are: KEY1,KEY2,KEY3,KEY4 (keys from left to right)
        Semantics:      Wait for a keypress and return keycode

int KEYRead (void);
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         (returncode) the keycode of a pressed key is returned or 0
                        Valid keycodes are: KEY1,KEY2,KEY3,KEY4 (keys from left to right)
                        or 0 for no key.
        Semantics:      Read keycode and return it. Function does not wait.

int KEYWait (int excode);
        Input:          (excode) the code of the key expected to be pressed
                        Valid keycodes are: KEY1,KEY2,KEY3,KEY4 (keys from left to right)
                        or ANYKEY.
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Wait for a specific key

LCD Output

Using the standard Unix "libc" library, it is possible to use standard C "printf" commands to print on the LCD "screen". E.g. the "hello world" program works:
printf("Hello, World!\n");
The following routines can be used for specific output functions:
int LCDClear( void );
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Clear the LCD

int LCDPutChar (char char);
        Input:          (char) the character to be written
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Write the given character to the current cursor position
                        and increment cursor position

int LCDSetChar ( int row,int column,char char);
        Input:          (char) the character to be written
                        (column) the number of the column
                        Valid values are: 0-15
                        (row) the number of the row
                        Valid values are: 0-6
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Write the given character to the given display position

int LCDPutString ( char *string);
        Input:          (string) the string to be written
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Write the given string to the current cursor position
                        and increment cursor position

int LCDSetString ( int row,int column,char *string);
        Input:          (string) the string to be written
                        (column) the number of the column
                        Valid values are: 0-15
                        (row) the number of the row
                        Valid values are: 0-6
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Write the given string to the given display position

int LCDMode ( int mode);
        Input:          (mode) the display mode you want
                        Valid values are: (NON)SCROLLING|(NO)CURSOR
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Set the display to the given mode
                        SCROLLING: the display will scroll up one line, when the right
                                        botton corner ist reached and the new cursor
                                        position will be the first column of the now
                                        blank bottom line
                        NONSCROLLING: display output will resume in the top left corner
                                        when the bottom right corner ist reached
                        NOCURSOR: the blinking hardware cursor is not displayed at the
                                        current cursor position
                        CURSOR: the blinking hardware cursor is displayed at the current
                                        cursor position

int LCDSetPos (int row, int column);
        Input:          (column) the number of the column
                        Valid values are: 0-15
                        (row) the number of the row
                        Valid values are: 0-6
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Set the cursor to the given position

int LCDPutGraphic ( image *buf);
        Input:          (buf) pointer to a greyscale image (80*60 pixel)
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Write the given graphic b/w to the display
                                it will be written starting in the top left corner
                                down to the menu line.

int LCDPutImage ( BYTE *buf);
        Input:          (buf) pointer to a b/w image (128*64 pixel)
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Write the given graphic b/w to the hole display

int LCDMenu (char *string1, char *string2, char *string3,char *string4);
        Input:  (string1) menu entry above key1
                        (string2) menu entry above key2
                        (string3) menu entry above key3
                        (string4) menu entry above key4
                        Valid Values are:       - a string with max 4 characters, which clears
                                                  the menu entry and writes the new one
                                                - "" : leave the menu entry untouched
                                                - " " : clear the menu entry
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Fill the menu line with the given menu entries

int LCDMenuI (int pos, char *string);
        Input:  (pos) number of menu entry to be exchanged (1..4)
                        (string) menu entry above key  a string with max 4 characters
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Overwite the menu line entry at position pos with the given string

int LCDSetPixel (int row,int col,BOOL val);
        Input:          (val) pixel operation code
                        Valid codes are:        0 = clear pixel
                                                1 = set pixel
                                                2 = invert pixel
                        (column) the number of the column
                        Valid values are: 0-127
                        (row) the number of the row
                        Valid values are: 0-63
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Apply the given operation to the given pixel position

int LCDInvertPixel (int row, int col);
        Input:          (column) the number of the column
                        Valid values are: 0-127
                        (row) the number of the row
                        Valid values are: 0-63
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Invert the pixel at the given pixel position

int LCDGetPixel (int row, int col);
        Input:          (column) the number of the column
                        Valid values are: 0-127
                        (row) the number of the row
                        Valid values are: 0-63
        Output:         (returncode) the value of the pixel
                        Valid values are:       1 for set pixel
                                                0 for clear pixel
        Semantics:      Return the value of the pixel at the given position

int LCDLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col)
    Input:  (x1,y1) (x2,y2) and color
    Output: NONE
            Draw a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) using the Bresenham Algorithm
            top    left  is   0, 0
            bottom right is 127,63
            color: 0 white
                   1 black
                   2 negate image contents

int LCDArea(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col)
    Input:  (x1,y1) (x2,y2) and color
    Output: NONE
            Fill rectangular area from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) it must hold: x1


The following functions handle initializing and image reading from either grayscale or color camera:
int CAMInit (int zoom);
        Input:          (zoom) zoom factor
                        Valid Values are: WIDE,NORMAL,TELE
        Output:         (returncode) Cameraversion or Errorcode
                        Valid values are:       255 = nocamera connected
                                                254 = camera init error
                                                0-15 = version of b/w camera
                                                16-31 = version of color camera
        Semantics:      Reset and initialize connected Quickcam

int CAMGetFrame ( image *buf);
        Input:          (buf) a pointer to a b/w image
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Read an image from b/w cam

int CAMGetColFrame ( colimage *buf, int convert);
        Input:          (buf) a pointer to a color image
                        (convert) flag if image should be reduced to 4 bit on the fly
                                  0 = get 24bit color image
                                  1 = get 4bit greyscale image
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Read an image from color cam and reduce it eventually to 4 bit
                        The colorimage can be reduced to greyscale afterwards by using IPColor2Grey(...)
                        HINT: buf should be a pointer to an 'image' if conversion is enabled
                              image buffer;
                              CAMGetColFrame((colimage*)&buffer, 1);

int CAMSet (int bright,int para1,int para2);
        Input:          (bright) a value for the camera brightness
                        (para1) a value for offset (b/w cam)/hue (color cam)
                        (para2) a value for contrast (b/w cam)/saturation (color cam)
                        Valid values are: 0-255
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Set camera hardware parameters

int CAMGet (int *bright,int *offsetORhue,int *contrastORsaturation);
        Input:          (bright) a pointer to the storing place for camera brightness
                        (para1) a pointer to the storing place for offset (b/w cam)/hue (color cam)
                        (para2) a pointer to the storing place for contrast (b/w cam)/saturation (color cam)
        Output:         (bright) the current brightness value
                        (para1) the current offset (b/w cam)/hue (color cam) value
                        (para2) the current contrast (b/w cam)/saturation (color cam) value
                        Valid values are: 0-255
        Semantics:      Get camera hardware parameters

int CAMMode ( int mode);
        Input:          (mode) the camera mode you want
                        Valid values are: (NO)AUTOBRIGHTNESS
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Set the display to the given mode
                        AUTOBRIGHTNESS: the brightness value of the camera is automatically
                        NOAUTOBRIGHTNESS: the brightness value is not automatically adjusted

System Functions

int OSError(char *msg,int number,BOOL dead);
        Input:          (msg) pointer to message
                        (number) int number
                        (dead) switch to choose deadend or keywait
                        Valid values are:       0 = no deadend
                                                1 = deadend
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Print message and number to display then
                        stop processor (deadend) or wait for key

int OSMachineType(void);
        Input:  NONE
        Output: Type of used hardware
            Valid values are:
        Semantics: Inform the user in which environment the program runs.

int OSMachineSpeed(void);
        Input:  NONE
        Output: actual clockrate of CPU in Hz
        Semantics: Inform the user how fast the processor runs.

char* OSMachineName(void);
        Input:  NONE
        Output: Name of actual Eyebot
        Semantics: Inform the user with which name the Eyebot is titled (entered in HDT).

unsigned char OSMachineID(void);
        Input:  NONE
        Output: ID of actual Eyebot
        Semantics: Inform the user with which ID the Eyebot is titled (entered in HDT).

int OSEnable ( void );
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Enable all cpu-interrupts

int OSDisable ( void );
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Disable all cpu-interrupts

variable save to tpuram:
int OSGetVar(int num);                                                          *)
        Input:          (num) number of tpupram save location
                        Valid values are:       SAVEVAR1-4 for word saving
                                                SAVEVAR1a-4a/1b-4b for byte saving

        Output:         (returncode) the value saved
                        Valid values are:       0-65535 for word saving
                                                0-255 for byte saving
        Semantics:      Get the value from the given save location

int OSPutVar(int num, int value);                                               *)
        Input:          (num) number of tpupram save location
                        Valid values are:       SAVEVAR1-4 for word saving
                                                SAVEVAR1a-4a/1b-4b for byte saving
                        (value) value to be stored
                        Valid values are:       0-65535 for word saving
                                                0-255 for byte saving

        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Save the value to the given save location

*) SAVEVAR1-3 already occupied by RoBiOS


int OSMTInit(BYTE mode);
        Input:          (mode) operation mode
                        Valid values are: COOP=DEFAULT,PREEMT
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Initialize multithreading environment
                        NOTE: PREEMT does not work yet.

tcb *OSSpawn(char *name,int code,int stksiz,int pri,int uid);
        Input:          (name) pointer to thread name
                        (code) thread start address
                        (stksize) size of thread stack
                        (pri) thread priority
                        Valid values are: MINPRI-MAXPRI
                        (uid) thread user id
        Output:         (returncode) pointer to initialized thread control block
        Semantics:      Initialize new thread, tcb is initialized and inserted in
                        scheduler queue but not set to READY

int OSMTStatus();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         PREEMPT, COOP, NOTASK
        Semantics:      returns actual multitasking mode (preemptive, cooperative or none)

int OSReady(struct tcb *thread);
        Input:          (thread) pointer to thread control block
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Set status of given thread to READY

int OSSuspend(struct tcb *thread);
        Input:          (thread) pointer to thread control block
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Set status of given thread to SUSPEND

int OSReschedule();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Choose new current thread

int OSYield();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Suspend current thread and reschedule

int OSRun(struct tcb *thread);
        Input:          (thread) pointer to thread control block
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      READY given thread and reschedule

int OSGetUID(thread);
        Input:          (thread) pointer to thread control block
        Output:         (returncode) UID of thread
        Semantics:      Get the UID of the given thread

int OSKill(struct tcb *thread);
        Input:          (thread) pointer to thread control block
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Remove given thread and reschedule

int OSExit(int code);
        Input:          (code) exit code
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Kill current thread with given exit code and message

int OSPanic(char *msg);
        Input:          (msg) pointer to message text
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Dead end multithreading error, print message to display
                        and stop processor

int OSSleep(int n)
        Input:          (n) number of 1/100 secs to sleep
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Let current thread sleep for n*1/100 seconds

int OSForbid()
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      disable thread switching in preemtive mode

int OSPermit()
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      enable thread switching in preemtive mode

In the functions described above the parameter "thread" can always be
a pointer to a tcb or 0 for current thread.


int OSSemInit(struct sem *sem,int val);
        Input:          (sem) pointer to a semaphore
                        (val) start value
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Initialize semaphore with given start value

int OSSemP(struct sem *sem);
        Input:          (sem) pointer to a semaphore
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Do P operation

int OSSemV(struct sem *sem);
        Input:          (sem) pointer to a semaphore
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Do V operation


int OSSetTime(int hrs,int mins,int secs);
        Input:          (hrs) value for hours
                        (mins) value for minutes
                        (secs) value for seconds
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Set system clock to given time

int OSGetTime(int *hrs,int *mins,int *secs,int *ticks);
        Input:          (hrs) pointer to int for hours
                        (mins) pointer to int for minutes
                        (secs) pointer to int for seconds
                        (ticks) pointer to int for ticks
        Output:         (hrs) value of hours
                        (mins) value of minutes
                        (secs) value of seconds
                        (ticks) value of ticks
        Semantics:      Get system time, one second has 100 ticks

int OSShowTime(void);
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Print system time to display

int OSGetCount(void);
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         (returncode) number of 1/100 seconds since last reset
        Semantics:      Get the number of 1/100 seconds since last reset

int OSWait (int n);
        Input:          (n) time to wait
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Busy loop for n*1/100 seconds

TimerHandle OSAttachTimer(int scale, TimerFnc function);
        Input:          (scale) prescale value for 100Hz Timer (1 to ...)
                        (TimerFnc) function to be called periodically
        Output:         (TimerHandle) handle to referrence the IRQ-slot
                        A value of 0 indicates an error due to a full list(max. 16).
        Semantics:      Attach a irq-routine (void function(void)) to the irq-list.
                        The scale parameter adjusts the call frequency (100/scale Hz)
                        of this routine to allow many different applications.

int OSDetachTimer(TimerHandle handle)
        Input:          (handle) handle of a previous installed timer irq
        Output:         0 = handle not valid
                        1 = function successfully removed from timer irq list
        Semantics:      Detach a previously installed irq-routine from the irq-list.

Download and RS-232

int OSDownload(char *name,int *bytes,int baud,int handshake,int interface);     **)
        Input:          (name) pointer to programm name array
                                (bytes) pointer to bytes transferred int
                                (baud) baud rate selection
                                Valid values are: SER9600,SER19200,SER38400,SER57600,
                                SER115200(only SERIAL2-3)
                                (handshake) handshake selection
                                Valid values are: NONE,RTSCTS
                                (interface): serial interface
                                Valid values are: SERIAL1-3
        Output:         (returncode)
                         0 = no error, download incomplete - call again
                        99 = download complete
                                         1 = receive timeout error
                                         2 = receive status error
                                         3 = send timeout error
                                         5 = srec checksum error
                                         6 = user canceled error
                                         7 = unknown srecord error
                                         8 = illegal baud rate error
                                         9 = illegal startadr. error
                    10 = illegal interface
        Semantics:      Load user program with the given serial setting
                                and get name of program
                                this functions must be called in a loop until
                                the returncode is !=0. In the loop the bytes
                                that have been transfered already can be calculated
                                from the bytes that have been transfered in this

int OSInitRS232(int baud,int handshake,int interface);
        Input:          (baud) baud rate selection
                                Valid values are: SER9600,SER19200,SER38400,SER57600,
                                SER115200(only SERIAL2-3)
                                (handshake) handshake selection
                                Valid values are: NONE,RTSCTS
                                (interface) serial interface
                                Valid values are: SERIAL1-3
        Output:         (returncode)
                     0 = ok
                                         8 = illegal baud rate error
                    10 = illegal interface
        Semantics:      Initialize rs232 with given setting

int OSSendRS232(char *chr,int interface);
        Input:          (chr) pointer to a character
                                (interface) serial interface
                                Valid values are: SERIAL1-3
        Output:         (returncode)
                         0 = good
                                         3 = send timeout error
                    10 = illegal interface
        Semantics:      Send a character over rs232

int OSRecvRS232(char *buf,int interface);
        Input:          (buf) pointer to a character array
                                (interface) serial interface
                                Valid values are: SERIAL1-3
        Output:         (returncode)
                         0 = good
                                         1 = receive timeout error
                                         2 = receive status error
                    10 = illegal interface
        Semantics:      Receive a character over rs232

int OSFlushInRS232(int interface);
        Input:          (interface) serial interface
                                Valid values are: SERIAL1-3
        Output:         (returncode)
                         0 = good
                    10 = illegal interface
        Semantics:      resets status of receiver and flushes its FIFO
                                very useful in NOHANDSHAKE-mode to bring the FIFO in a
                                defined condition before starting to receive

int OSFlushOutRS232(int interface);
        Input:          (interface) serial interface
                                Valid values are: SERIAL1-3
        Output:         (returncode)
                         0 = good
                    10 = illegal interface
        Semantics:      flushes the trasnmitter-FIFO
                                very useful to abort current transmission to host
                                (ex: in the case of a not responding host)

int OSCheckInRS232(int interface);
        Input:          (interface) serial interface
                                Valid values are: SERIAL1-3
        Output:         (returncode) the number of chars currently
                                available in FIFO
        Semantics:      useful to read out only packages of a certain size

int OSCheckOutRS232(int interface);
        Input:          (interface) serial interface
                                Valid values are: SERIAL1-3
        Output:         (returncode) the number of chars currently waiting
                                in FIFO
        Semantics:      useful to test if the host is receiving properly
                                or to time transmission of packages in the speed the
                                host can keep up with

int USRStart();                                                                 **)
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Start loaded user programm,

int USRResident(char *name, BOOL mode);                                         **)
        Input:          (name) pointer to name array
                        (mode) mode
                        Valid values are: SET,GET
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Make loaded user program reset resistant
                        SET     save startaddress and programmname
                        GET     restore startaddress and programmname

**) this function must not be used in user programs !!!!


Sampleformat: WAV or AU/SND (8bit, pwm or mulaw)
Samplerate: 5461, 6553, 8192, 10922, 16384, 32768 (Hz)
Tonerange: 65 Hz to 21000 Hz
Tonelength: 1 msec to 65535 msecs
int AUPlaySample(char* sample);
        Input:          (sample) pointer to sample data
        Output:         (returncode) playfrequency for given sample
                                     0 if unsupported sampletype
        Semantics:      Plays a given sample (nonblocking)
                        supported formats are:
                        WAV or AU/SND  (8bit, pwm or mulaw)
                        5461, 6553, 8192, 10922, 16384, 32768 (Hz)

int AUCheckSample();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         FALSE while sample is playing
        Semantics:      nonblocking test for sampleend

int AUTone(int freq, int msec);
        Input:          (freq) tone frequency
                        (msecs) tone lenght
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Plays tone with given frequency for the given time (nonblocking)
                        supported formats are:
                        freq = 65 Hz to 21000 Hz
                        msecs = 1 msec to 65535 msecs

int AUCheckTone();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         FALSE while tone is playing
        Semantics:      nonblocking test for toneend

int AUBeep();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      BEEP!

int AURecordSample(BYTE* buf, long len, long freq);
        Input:          (buf) pointer to buffer
                        (len) bytes to sample + 28 bytes header
                        (freq) desired samplefrequency
        Output:         (returncode) real samplefrequency
        Semantics:      Samples from microphone into buffer with given
                        frequency (nonblocking)
                        Recordformat: AU/SND (pwm) with unsigned 8bit samples

int AUCheckRecord();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         FALSE while recording
        Semantics:      nonblocking test for recordend

int AUCaptureMic();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         (returncode) microphone value (10bit)
        Semantics:      Get microphone input value


PSDHandle PSDInit(DeviceSemantics semantics);
        Input:          (semantics) unique definition for desired PSD (see hdt.h)
        Output:         (returncode) unique handle for all further operations
        Semantics:      Initialize single PSD with given semantics
                        Up to 8 PSDs can be initialised

int PSDRelease();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Stops all measurings and releases all initialised PSDs

int PSDStart(PSDHandle bitmask, BOOL cycle);
        Input:          (bitmask) sum of all handles to which parallel mesuring should be applied
                        (cycle)   TRUE  = continous measuring
                                  FALSE = single measuring
        Output:         (returncode) status of start-request
                                  -1 = error (false handle)
                                   0 = ok
                                   1 = busy (another measuring blocks driver)
        Semantics:      Starts a single/continous PSD-measuring (ca. 60ms per shot)

int PSDStop();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      Stops actual continous PSD-measuring after completion of the current shot

BOOL PSDCheck();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         (returncode) TRUE if a valid result is available
        Semantics:      nonblocking test if a valid PSD-result is available

int PSDGet(PSDHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) handle of the desired PSD
                                 0 for timestamp of actual measure-cycle
        Output:         (returncode) actual distance in mm (converted through internal table)
        Semantics:      Delivers actual timestamp or distance measured by the selected PSD

int PSDGetRaw(PSDHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) handle of the desired PSD
                                 0 for timestamp of actual measure-cycle
        Output:         (returncode) actual raw-data (not converted)
        Semantics:      Delivers actual timestamp or raw-data measured by the selected PSD

Servos and Motors

ServoHandle SERVOInit(DeviceSemantics semantics);
        Input:          (semantics) semantic (see hdt.h)
        Output:         (returncode) ServoHandle
        Semantics:      Initialize given servo

int SERVORelease (ServoHandle handle)
        Input:          (handle) sum of all ServoHandles which should be released
        Output:         (returncode)
                     0 = ok
                     errors (nothing is released):
                     0x11110000 = totally wrong handle
                     0x0000xxxx = the handle parameter in which only those bits remained
                                  set that are connected to a releasable TPU-channel
        Semantics:      Release given servos

int SERVOSet (ServoHandle handle,int angle);
        Input:          (handle) sum of all ServoHandles which should be set parallel
                                (angle) servo angle
                                Valid values: 0-255
        Output:         (returncode)
                     0 = ok
                    -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Set the given servos to the same given angle

MotorHandle MOTORInit(DeviceSemantics semantics);
        Input:          (semantics) semantic (see hdt.h)
        Output:         (returncode) MotorHandle
        Semantics:      Initialize given motor

int MOTORRelease (MotorHandle handle)
        Input:          (handle) sum of all MotorHandles which should be released
        Output:         (returncode)
                     0 = ok
                     errors (nothing is released):
                     0x11110000 = totally wrong handle
                     0x0000xxxx = the handle parameter in which only those bits remained
                                  set that are connected to a releasable TPU-channel
        Semantics:      Release given motor

int MOTORDrive (MotorHandle handle,int speed);
        Input:          (handle) sum of all MotorHandles which should be driven
                                (speed) motor speed in percent
                                Valid values: -100 - 100 (full backward to full forward)
                                  0 for full stop
        Output:         (returncode)
                     0 = ok
                    -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Set the given motors to the same given speed

QuadHandle QuadInit(DeviceSemantics semantics);
        Input:          (semantics) semantic
        Output:         (returncode) QuadHandle or 0 for error
        Semantics:      Initialize given Quadrature-Decoder (up to 8 decoder are possible)

int QuadRelease(QuadHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) sum of decoder-handles to be released
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Release one or more Quadrature-Decoder

int QuadReset(QuadHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) sum of decoder-handles to be reseted
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Reset one or more Quadrature-Decoder

int QuadRead(QuadHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) ONE decoder-handle
        Output:         32bit counter-value (0 to 2^32-1)
                        a wrong handle will ALSO result in an 0 counter-value!!
        Semantics:      Read actual Quadratue-Decoder counter

DeviceSemantics QUADGetMotor(DeviceSemantics semantics);
        Input:          (handle) ONE decoder-handle
        Output:         semantic of the corresponding motor
                        0 = wrong handle
        Semantics:      Get the semantic of the corresponding motor

float QUADODORead(QuadHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) ONE decoder-handle
        Output:         meters since last odometer-reset
        Semantics:      Get the distance from the last resetpoint of a single motor!
                    It is not the overall meters driven since the last reset!
                    It is just the nr of meters left to go back to the startpoint.
                    Usefull to implement a PID-control

int QUADODOReset(QuadHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) sum of decoder-handles to be reseted
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Resets the simple odometer(s) to define the startpoint

V-Omega Driving Interface

VWHandle VWInit(DeviceSemantics semantics, int Timescale);
        Input:          (semantics) semantic
                    (Timescale) prescale value for 100Hz IRQ (1 to ...)
        Output:         (returncode) VWHandle or 0 for error
        Semantics:      Initialize given VW-Driver (only 1 can be initialized!)
                    The motors and encoders are automatically reserved!!
                    The Timescale allows to adjust the tradeoff between
                    accuracy (scale=1, update at 100Hz) and speed(scale>1, update
                    at 100/scale Hz).

int VWRelease(VWHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) VWHandle to be released
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Release VW-Driver, stop motors

int VWSetSpeed(VWHandle handle, meterPerSec v, radPerSec w);
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
                    (v) new linear speed
                    (w) new rotation speed
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Set the new speed: v(m/s) and w(rad/s not degree/s)

int VWGetSpeed(VWHandle handle, SpeedType* vw);
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
                    (vw) pointer to record to store actual v, w values
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Get the actual speed: v(m/s) and w(rad/s not degree/s)

int VWSetPosition(VWHandle handle, meter x, meter y, radiant phi);
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
                    (x) new x-position
                    (y) new y-position
                    (phi) new heading
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Set the new position: x(m), y(m) phi(rad not degree)

int VWGetPosition(VWHandle handle, PositionType* pos);
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
                    (pos) pointer to record to store actual position (x,y,phi)
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Get the actual position: x(m), y(m) phi(rad not degree)

int VWStartControl(VWHandle handle, float Vv, float Tv, float Vw, float Tw);
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
                    (Vv) the paramter for the proportional component of the v-controller
                    (Tv) the paramter for the integrating component of the v-controller
                    (Vw) the paramter for the proportional component of the w-controller
                    (Tv) the paramter for the integrating component of the w-controller
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Enable the PI-controller for the vw-interface and set the parameters.
                    As default the PI-controller is deactivated when the vw-interface is
                    initialised. The controller tries to keep the desired speed (set with
                    VWSetSpeed) stable by adapting the energy of the involved motors.
                    The parameters for the controller have to be choosen carefully!
                    The formula for the controller is:
                    new(t) = V*(diff(t) + 1/T * [diff(t)dt )
                    V: a value usually around 1.0
                    T: a value usually between 0 and 1.0
                    After enabling the controller the last set speed (VWSetSpeed) is taken
                    as the speed to be held stable.

int VWStopControl(VWHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      Disable the controller immediately. The vw-interface continues normally
                        with the last valid speed of the controller.

int VWDriveStraight(VWHandle handle, meter delta, meterpersec v)
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
                    (delta)  distance to drive in m (pos. -> forward)
                                                    (neg. -> backward)
                    (v)      speed to drive with (allways positive!)
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      drives distance "delta" with speed v straight ahead (forward or backward)
                        any subsequent call of VWDriveStraight, -Turn, -Curve or VWSetSpeed
                        while this one is still being executed, results in an immediate interruption
                        of this command

int VWDriveTurn(VWHandle handle, radiant delta, radPerSec w)
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
                    (delta)  degree to turn in radiant (pos. -> counter-clockwise)
                                                       (neg. -> clockwise)
                    (w)      speed to turn with (allways positive!)
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      turns about "delta" with speed w on the spot (clockwise or counter-clockwise)
                        any subsequent call of VWDriveStraight, -Turn, -Curve or VWSetSpeed
                        while this one is still being executed, results in an immediate interruption
                        of this command

int VWDriveCurve(VWHandle handle, meter delta_l, radiant delta_phi, meterpersec v)
        Input:          (handle)    ONE VWHandle
                    (delta_l)   length of curve_segment to drive in m (pos. -> forward)
                                                                      (neg. -> backward)
                    (delta_phi) degree to turn in radiant (pos. -> counter-clockwise)
                                                          (neg. -> clockwise)
                    (v)         speed to drive with (allways positive!)
        Output:         0 = ok
                        -1 = error wrong handle
        Semantics:      drives a curve segment of length "delta_l" with overall vehicle turn of "delta_phi"
                    with speed v (forw. or backw. / clockw. or counter-clockw.).
                        any subsequent call of VWDriveStraight, -Turn, -Curve or VWSetSpeed
                        while this one is still being executed, results in an immediate interruption
                        of this command

float VWDriveRemain(VWHandle handle)
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
        Output:          0.0 = previous VWDriveX command has been completed
                         any other value = remaining distance to goal
        Semantics:      remaining distance to goal set by VWDriveStraight, -Turn
                        (for -Curve only the remaining part of delta_l is reported)

int VWDriveDone(VWHandle handle)
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
        Output:         -1 = error wrong handle
                         0 = vehicle is still in motion
                         1 = previous VWDriveX command has been completed
        Semantics:      checks if previous VWDriveX() command has been completed

int VWDriveWait(VWHandle handle)
        Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
        Output:         -1 = error wrong handle
                         0 = previous VWDriveX command has been completed
        Semantics:      blocks the calling process until the previous VWDriveX() command has been completed

int VWStalled(VWHandle handle)
    Input:          (handle) ONE VWHandle
    Output:         -1 = error wrong handle
                     0 = vehicle is still in motion or
                         no motion command is active
                     1 = at least one vehicle motor is stalled during
                         VW driving command
    Semantics:      checks if at least one of the vehicle's motors is stalled right now

Bumper / Infrared Sensors

BumpHandle BUMPInit(DeviceSemantics semantics);
        Input:          (semantics) semantic
        Output:         (returncode) BumpHandle or 0 for error
        Semantics:      Initialize given bumper (up to 16 bumpers are possible)

int BUMPRelease(BumpHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) sum of bumper-handles to be released
        Output:         (returncode)
                    0 = ok
                    errors (nothing is released):
                    0x11110000 = totally wrong handle
                    0x0000xxxx = the handle parameter in which only those bits remained
                                 set that are connected to a releasable TPU-channel
        Semantics:      Release one or more bumper

int BUMPCheck(BumpHandle handle, int* timestamp);
        Input:          (handle) ONE bumper-handle
                    (timestamp) pointer to an int where the timestamp is placed
        Output:         (returncode)
                    0 = bump occured, in *timestamp is now a valid stamp
                    -1 = no bump occured or wrong handle, *timestamp is cleared
        Semantics:      Check occurence of a single bump and return the timestamp(TPU).
                    The first bump is recorded and held until BUMPCheck is called.

IRHandle IRInit(DeviceSemantics semantics);
        Input:          (semantics) semantic
        Output:         (returncode) IRHandle or 0 for error
        Semantics:      Initialize given IR-sensor (up to 16 sensors are possible)

int IRRelease(IRHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) sum of IR-handles to be released
        Output:         (returncode)
                    0 = ok
                    errors (nothing is released):
                    0x11110000 = totally wrong handle
                    0x0000xxxx = the handle parameter in which only those bits remained
                                 set that are connected to a releasable TPU-channel
        Semantics:      Release one or more IR-sensors

int IRRead(IRHandle handle);
        Input:          (handle) ONE IR-handle
        Output:         (returncode)
                    0/1 = actual pinstate of the TPU-channel
                    -1 = wrong handle
        Semantics:      Read actual state of the IR-sensor


BYTE OSReadInLatch(int latchnr);
        Input:          (latchnr) number of desired Inlatch (range: 0..3)
        Output:         actual state of this inlatch
        Semantics:      reads contents of selected inlatch

BYTE OSWriteOutLatch(int latchnr, BYTE mask, BYTE value);
        Input:          (latchnr) number of desired Outlatch (range: 0..3)
                        (mask)    and-bitmask of pins which should be cleared
                        (value)   or-bitmask of pins which should be set
        Output:         previous state of this outlatch
        Semantics:      modifies an outlatch and keeps global state consistent
                        example: OSWriteOutLatch(0, 0xF7, 0x08); sets bit4
                        example: OSWriteOutLatch(0, 0xF7, 0x00); clears bit4

BYTE OSReadOutLatch(int latchnr);
        Input:          (latchnr) number of desired Outlatch (range: 0..3)
        Output:         actual state of this outlatch
        Semantics:      reads global copy of outlatch

Parallel Port

BYTE OSReadParData();
        Input:          NONE
        Output:         actual state of the 8bit dataport
        Semantics:      reads contents of parallelport (active high)

void OSWriteParData(BYTE value);
        Input:          (value) new output-data
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      writes out new data to parallelport (active high)

        Input:          NONE
        Output:         actual state of the 5 statuspins
        Semantics:      reads state of the 5 statuspins active-high! (BUSY(4), ACK(3), PE(2), SLCT(1), ERROR(0)):

void OSWriteParCTRL(BYTE value);
        Input:          (value) new ctrl-pin-output (4bits)
        Output:         NONE
        Semantics:      writes out new ctrl-pin-states active high! (SLCTIN(3), INT(2), AUTOFDXT(1), STROBE(0))

        Input:          NONE
        Output:         actual state of the 4 ctrl-pins
        Semantics:      reads state of the 4 ctrl-pins active-high! (SLCTIN(3), INT(2), AUTOFDXT(1), STROBE(0))

Analog-Digital Converter

int OSGetAD(int channel);
        Input:          (channel) desired AD-channel range: 0..15
        Output:         (returncode) 10 bit sampled value
        Semantics:      Captures one single 10bit value from specified

int OSOffAD(int mode);
        Input:          (mode) 0 = full powerdown
                               1 = fast powerdown
        Output:         none
        Semantics:      Powers down the 2 AD-converters (saves energy)
                        A call of OSGetAD awakens the AD-converter again

Thomas Bräunl, Klaus Schmitt, Thomas Lampart 1998