+----------------+ | Parallaxis-III | +----------------+ SUN (Solaris) precompiled beta version. This version was compiled on a SUN Sparc Station 10, Solaris V2.3 (SunOS 5.3), with gcc V2.6.0, optimization -O. When p3 is released as source version the default settings will be configurable in the Makefile. However, this precompiled version uses the following default settings: Include-path for .h-files: /usr/local/include Library-path for libp3.a: /usr/local/lib Backend-C-compiler: gcc If you like to have different settings you can do this by setting the environment variables P3INC, P3LIB and P3CC respectively or by giving the appropriate command line switches to p3 (-I, -L, -cc). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================== BETA-RELEASE Sep. 1994 ====================== Dear Parallel Programmers, "p3" is the new command to compile a Parallaxis program. Programs are now modules, which are either single self-contained program files (suffix ".pm" as in "Parallaxis module") or they come pair-wise as definition module (suffix ".pd") plus implementation module (suffix ".pm") forming a library module. "p3" internally calls "p3c", which translates a Parallaxis program into a C program. These intermediate C programs will then be automatically further compiled using "gcc", "cc" or any other C compiler which you may specify. Since "p3" uses the C compiler, it compiles by default the binary into "a.out". Using "p3" with a module name without suffix translates both ".pd" and ".pm" files -- in this case be sure to use option "-c" to generate ".o" files only and not try to compile a binary. Link several binaries by calling "p3" with the appropriate ".o" files. Installation: - uncompress and de-tar the appropriate distribution file - place file SYSTEM_C.h in your include directory e.g. /usr/local/include - place file libp3.a in your library directory e.g. /usr/local/lib - place file p3.1 in your man-page directory e.g. /usr/local/man/man1 - place files p3c and p3 in your binary directory e.g. /usr/local/bin - make sure your environment variables are set correctly. See man page for further information. Sample Parallaxis Programs: examples.tar.Z Documentation: p3.ps.Z PostScript file Contact: Harald Lampke Hartmut Keller Thomas Braunl ======================================================================== Thomas Braunl Univ. Stuttgart IPVR, Breitwiesenstr. 20-22, D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany ========================================================================