SubSim - An Autonomous Submarine Simulation System
- A simulation system for autonomous underwater vehicles
- Full physics simulation, sensor and actuator simulation
- Application programming in C or C++ at low-level interface or
RoBIOS high level interface
- Simulation system for proposed ICAUV simulation competition in 2007
- Freely available from The University of Western Australia, CIIPS, Mobile Robot Lab
- Developed by: 2004: Boeing, Koestler, Petitt, 2005: Ruehl, Bielohlawek, 2006: Haas, Boeing,
directed by Braunl
SubSim/AUV Mailing List
- Provides latest infos on SubSim releases, AUV projects, and competition news
- To send an email to the EyeBot list, mail to [email protected]
- To subscribe/unsubscribe to the EyeBot mailing list see AUV Mailman
- To read recent messages of the EyeBot mailing list see AUV Archive

Thomas Bräunl, 2006