BD32 Version 1.2

Introduction to BD32

BD32 ("Background mode Debugger") is a debug monitor for any Motorola microcontroller which is based on the CPU32 processor core. This includes (currently) the MC68330, MC68331, MC68332, MC68F333, and the MC68340. BD32 runs on a host IBM compatible PC, controlling the prototype through the background debug mode (BDM) interface on CPU32. The Motorola BCC Development Interface (BCCDI) card may be used; the interface to the BCCDI is done using either the COM1 or COM2 serial RS-232 port on the PC. The BDM signals may also be controlled directly by the PC through a special adapter connected to the PC's parallel printer port, LPT1 or LPT2. Motorola offers an adapter card called the ICD card, part no. M68ICD32. Alternatively, the user may construct his own from a circuit schematic included in this archive file. (The construction details for this adapter are given later in the section 'Connections - using Cable to BDM Connector').

BD32 presents a command-line-driven debug environment. The command set is very similiar to that presented by the CPU32Bug software resident in the Business Card Computer's EPROM. The key difference is that since BD32 controls the processor through the the Background Mode Interface of the CPU32 processor core, no user resources on the microcontroller are needed to achieve the emulation. This means that the chip selects which are connected to the EPROM and RAM on the BCC may be disconnected and used in the target application. Also the on-chip SCI port, which is the console port for CPU32Bug, is not required and may be used in the target application. Thus a true transparent emulation of the microcontroller is achieved, similiar to Motorola's EVM and EVS series of emulators for the 8-bit microcontrollers.

This approach to program debugging brings other benefits as well. The BCCDI card has on it a breakpoint gate array, which allows 4 hardware breakpoints. This is used by BD32 via the 'BR' (breakpoint) commmand. BD32 also supports more sophisticated debug capabilities such as symbol support. Since BD32 resides on a host PC rather than in the user's target application, more resources are available to allow this type of feature.

Connections - using BCCDI card

To operate with the BCCDI, BD32 requires that the 68HC11 on the DI board contain software version 1.00 through 1.13. This BCCDI may be identified by the presence of the XC68HC811E2 microcontroller on the board; the later version of the DI software, implemented with the XC68HC711E9 microcontroller, will not work with BD32. The BCCDI must be connected to the PC through either COM1 or COM2 serial ports.

One drawback of using the DI card is that its serial protocol is rather inefficient, making for slow program downloads. By using the parallel printer port adapter, download speed will increase approximately by a factor of five.

Connections - using Motorola's ICD32

BD32 version 1.2 and later contains a driver to allow control of the target microcontroller through a product called ICD32, available from Motorola under part number M68ICD32. This board connects to an IBM-compatible PC via its parallel printer port, and has a ribbon cable which connects to an 8 or 10-pin BDM connector on the target system. BD32 can control the ICD card on either the LPT1 or LPT2 printer ports of the PC.

Connections - using Cable to BDM Connector

BD32 can also control the target microcontroller through a public-domain adapter circuit. This adapter uses two commonly available logic chips, a 74HC132 quad Schmitt NAND gate and a 74HC76 dual J-K flip flop. The schematic for the circuit is in the disk file 'bdm-if.sch' (created under Orcad) which should have been included with this documentation. If you do not have access to the Orcad schematic editor program, the file 'bdm-if.prn' is the same schematic formatted for output to an Epson-compatible dot-matrix printer. Simply copying this file to your printer will produce a hard copy of the schematic for the adapter. NOTE: the unarchived size of this file is about 500 Kbytes, so you may want to use your de-archiving utility to dump the file directly to your printer if you are short of hard disk space! This may be done with the following DOS command (using the 'pkunzip' de-archive utility from PKWare, Inc.):

pkunzip -p bd32v1-2 bdm-if.prn

The adapter circuit will operate with either the LPT1 or LPT2 parallel ports on your PC compatible computer. The 8-pin connector labeled 'BCC Background Mode Connector' should be plugged into the corresponding 8-pin connector on the Business Card Computer (P3 on the 68332 BCC) or connector P11 on the 68332 Platform Board (PFB).


After the DI is connected and powered up, BD32 is invoked by entering 'BD32' at the PC-DOS command line. BD32 will support either the normal 25-line display, or the 50-line VGA or 43-line EGA display mode; whichever mode is in use when BD32 is executed will be used by BD32. If the user has access to a VGA or EGA display, it is recommended that BD32 be used with the 43/50 line mode, as it greatly improves the usability of the program.

BD32 starts by looking for the disk file 'bd32.cfg' in the default disk drive and directory, or in the directory from which 'bd32.exe' was executed. If it finds the file, it reads the first two lines to determine the communications baud rate and I/O port to use to talk to the target. Four ports are supported, COM1, COM2, LPT1, and LPT2. If 'bd32.cfg' is not found, or if it is found but there is an illegal value entered in the file, then the interface port is not configured and no target debug operations can proceed until the port is selected (using the 'port' command, see below). If it is possible to configure the port, then communication begins with the target system (indicated by the status line at the bottom of the screen).

An example 'bd32.cfg' might look like this:


The above example configures BD32 to use the BCC Development Interface board, connected to COM1 serial port at a baud rate of 9600 baud. BD32 supports any rate from 110 baud to 9600, but the BCCDI can only be configured for either 9600 baud or 1200 baud. 9600 baud is recommended for best operation.

Another example for 'bd32.cfg' is shown below:


This example tells BD32 to use the BDM adapter connected to parallel port LPT1. When the parallel port is used, the second parameter is not really a 'baud rate'. It actually specifies the a delay count to use when transferring data serially to the BDM interface. This is needed because if the target will be running at slow CPU clock rates, the PC can overrun the BDM interface and data transfers will not execute properly.

The table below serves as a guide to determine the minimum setting for this parameter. The parameter actually used may need to be set higher to account for variations in external hardware, such as cables and interface circuit construction.

PC Clock Speed
(in MegaHertz)                   Delay Parameter
Processor:     XT          286,386       486          Pentium
4.77            0             0
8               0             0
10              0             0
12                            0
16                            1
20                            2           10
25                            3           12
33                            5           15
40                            8           20
50                                        25
60                                        30            75
66                                        35            85
75  (est.)                                40            95
83  (est.)                                50           110
100 (est.)                                60           130
Here is another example which uses the Motorola ICD card on parallel printer port LPT2:


The keyword 'ICD' indicates that the Motorola ICD card is being used; the number after the 'ICD' keyword indicates to which parallel printer port (LPT1 or LPT2) the ICD card is connected. The '5' parameter specifies a delay of 5 delay loops per bit.

After the configuration file has been read, BD32 looks at the command line with which it was invoked. Any text which the user entered after the name 'BD32' will be executed as a BD32 command. Multiple commands may be separated with the comma (,) character. For example, invoking BD32 with the following DOS command line

BD32 md $4000

will cause BD32 to immediately display target memory at address $4000, after it finishes initialization.

After all commands on the command line have been executed, BD32 will present a prompt and wait for the user to type a command. As on the DOS command line, the BD32 command line typed by the user may contain multiple commands separated by the comma character. Also, the user may repeat execution of the previous command typed, simply by pressing the 'enter' key.

BD32 Screen Display

When BD32 starts up, it sets up the screen display with a single status line at the bottom, and the remainder as a scrolling command window. The user is prompted for command input here, and all command output is displayed here as well. This is the standard 'glass teletype' style display which is so commonly used.

BD32 shows the status of the target system on the bottom line of the PC's screen. If no communications have been established with the target system, then the status line shows simply a copyright message. When communication is established with the target microcontroller, then the status line will show the state of the HALT, FREEZE, and RESET signals from the target microcontroller, as well as the processor state ('RUNNING' or 'STOPPED'). This is updated approximately 20 times per second.

NOTE: when using the parallel adapter circuit, the status of the HALT signal is not available from the BDM connector and so is not shown on the screen. The status line update rate is much faster (about 200 times/second) and the status line can also indicate when the program has stopped on a breakpoint, by displaying 'BRKPNT' instead of 'STOPPED' in the CPU status field.

If the user desires, a 'windowed' display may be substituted for this non- windowed 'glass teletype' interface. The command 'window on' enables the windowed display.

When using the windowed display, BD32 formats the screen into three 'panels' plus the status line. At the top of the screen is a panel showing the contents of the target CPU registers. This panel is updated whenever the target CPU stops execution, whether from a breakpoint, user command, or other reason.

The middle panel displays the contents of memory, either a disassembly into CPU32 mnemonics ('DASM' command) or a memory hex-ASCII display ('MD' command). Each time the target CPU stops execution, this panel is updated to show the code around to location addressed by the target CPU program counter. The instruction pointed to by the program counter is highlighted in cyan; any visible breakpoints are highlighted in red, and 'B*' is displayed at the far left of the disassembly. Whenever the user enters the 'MD' (memory dump) command, its output is also displayed in this panel; however it will be replaced by the disassembled code again when the next trace ('T') or step ('S') command is issued.

The bottom panel provides command line entry for the user. BD32 displays a prompt here when ready for commands, and most commands display their results here also.

The command 'window off' will restore the non-windowed user interface.

Screen Colours

BD32's default display colours are fine for use on a colour CRT, but some systems such as laptop computers do not display gray scales very well. BD32 Version 1.2 and later allows the user to set screen colours in the configuration file 'bd32.cfg'.

If the configuration file contains more than two lines of text, the following lines are scanned and converted to colour attributes to define the colour settings for the screen display. The attributes are read, line by line, from the config file in the following order:

Line Number     Attribute               Description                     Default
in bd32.cfg                                                             Value*
3               Command Output Colour   Attribute used to display       30
					command output
4               Command Input Colour    User input at command prompt    31
5               Prompt Colour           Command prompt ("BD32->")       23
6               Register Display Colour Used to highlight CPU register  31
7               Breakpoint Colour       Colour used to highlight        79
					breakpoint locations in
					disassembled code
8               PC Colour               Used to highlight code          48
					addressed by Program Counter
9               Status Line Colour      Used for non-highlighted        112
                                        characters on status line
                                        (bottom of screen)
10              Status Item Colour      Colour used for highlighted     116
                                        items on status line
11              Border Colour           Colour used to draw borders     31
                                        around screen panels

* - See colour table at end of this section
Reaching the end of the configuration file, or any line of text in the configuration file which cannot successfully interpreted as a decimal number, will cause BD32 to stop reading the configuration file.

Colour attributes are specified in decimal. They correspond to the attributes used by the IBM PC's display adapters hardware. Both foreground and background colour can be specified, as well as intensity.

To calculate the required attribute value, take the desired foreground and background colour from the table below, and add them together. To cause the character to blink, add the value 128 to the result. Then use a text editor to enter the value at the appropriate line in the 'bd32.cfg' disk file, and BD32 will then use that attribute.

Foreground Colour       Value           Background Colour       Value
Black                   0               Black                   0
Blue                    1               Blue                    16
Green                   2               Green                   32
Cyan                    3               Cyan                    48
Red                     4               Red                     64
Magenta                 5               Magenta                 80
Brown                   6               Brown                   96
White                   7               White                   112
Gray                    8
Light Blue              9
Light Green             10
Light Cyan              11
Light Red               12
Light Magenta           13
Yellow                  14
Bright White            15

BD32 Symbol Support

BD32 allows the user to enter symbols in addition to hex and decimal constants when entering parameters for commmands. This is implemented by the 'set' command. For example, to display a block of memory, the MD command may be used as shown below:

md $4000                (display 256 bytes starting at hex $4000)
md 0x4000               (alternate 'C'-like form of expressing hex number)
md 16384                (same as above, only using decimal number)
set start $4000         (gives the symbol 'start' the hex value $4000)
md start                (looks up the value of start, uses that as starting
The registers in the target CPU have their names pre-defined in the symbol table, and any references to these names will return the value contained in the register. The user should not create symbols which have the same names as CPU registers, such as A1, D3, PC, VBR etc.

Also, it is important to remember to prefix any hex numbers with the '$' character or with '0x'. Failing to do this can lead to some interesting results!

BD32 Expression Evaluation

In addition to supporting symbols, BD32 allows command parameters to be specified in the form of a complex expression. Building on the previous example, the MD command may also have the following form:

md $4000                (use the hex value $4000 as starting address)
set start $4000         (define a symbol)
md start+2*3            (finds value of 'start', and adds 6 to it)
md (start+2)*3          (finds value of 'start', adds 2, multiplies the
			result by 3)
In general, any command which needs a numeric parameter will accept an expression to define that parameter. The form of the expression is the same as the 'C' programming language, in that most of the same operators are allowed and they follow the same precedence as the 'C' language.

Whenever an error is detected in the syntax of an expression, the user is notified, either by displaying the erroneous line and a pointer underneath the offending character, or displaying the name of the undefined symbol depending on the type of error encountered. Three types of errors are possible: undefined symbols (usually a misspelled symbol name), illegal characters (an unrecognized character in an expression), or illegal operators (an unrecognized sequence of operator characters).

Below is a list of operators accepted by BD32, in order of decreasing precedence.

Symbol        Name or Meaning                         Associativity

----------------------------Highest Precedence--------------------------------
  ( )         Parentheses                             Left to right
  !           Logical NOT                             Right to left
  ~           Bitwise NOT
  -           Minus
  *<address>[<.B|W|L>]  Indirection - get value at memory address using given
			size (default size is word if non specified)
  *           Multiply                                Left to right
  /           Divide
  %           Remainder
  +           Add                                     Left to right
  -           Subtract
  <<          Left shift                              Left to right
  >>          Right shift
  <           Less than                               Left to right
  <=          Less than or equal to
  >           Greater than
  >=          Greater than or equal to
  ==          Equal                                   Left to right
  !=          Not equal
  &           Bitwise AND                             Left to right
  ^           Bitwise exclusive OR                    Left to right
  |           Bitwise OR                              Left to right


Some C operators, such as the increment/decrement operators ++ and --, are not supported since they make no sense in this context. One operator, the indirection operator '*', was modified slightly for use with CPU32 assembly language. In C this operator might be used in this way:

a = *pointer + 6;

This would also be legal in BD32, but for the purposes of assembly language debugging it is important to be able to specify the size of the operand (in the C language it is specifed when the symbol is defined). So in BD32 it might be used this way:

md *table.l + 6

In this case the '*' causes BD32 to retrieve the value of the symbol 'table'. This value is used as the address for a memory reference. The value stored in that memory location will be retrieved using a long word memory read and added with the value 6. The result is the address from which the memory dump command will start displaying the contents of memory.

The '.b' following the symbol specifies that a byte access should be performed on the address defined by the symbol 'table'. Other size specifiers which may be used are '.w' and '.l', specifying word or long accesses. If no specifier is used then the default size is word.

Numeric Constants

In BD32 numeric constants may be one of three forms:

0x1234          hexadecimal
$1234           hexadecimal
1234            decimal

BD32 Commands

Following is a brief description of each of the commands available in BD32. Each command which needs a numeric parameter, for example an address, will typically proceed from the address specified the last time the command was used; for example, if the command "md $100 $17f" was typed, typing "md" later would display memory starting at address $180.

Some commands such as "md" allow an option to be entered. This option may take one of four forms:

;b              specifies operation on byte data (8 bits)
;w                  "         "     "  word  "   (16 bits)
;w                  "         "     "  long  "   (32 bits)
;di                 "         "     using code assembly/disassembly
For example, if "md $100 ;b" was entered, the memory would be displayed as byte values. If "md $100 ;di" was entered, a disassembly is done starting at address $100. If no option is entered, then ";w" (16 bit data) is assumed.

Almost all commands will work whether the CPU32 is running or stopped. If the CPU32 is running when a command is typed by the user, if that command needs to access memory or CPU registers then BD32 will stop the processor momentarily while it retrieves the necessary information, then restart it again after BD32 has what it needs.

A summary of the commands available may be shown on the screen while debugging, by typing the command 'help'.

Note that when target memory is accessed by BD32, the default Function Code used to perform these accesses is 5 (supervisor data space). This may be changed by the user (see 'FC' command below).

BD32 contains a facility allowing the user to extend the command set of BD32. If the user enters a command which does not match the name of a built-in BD32 command, then BD32 will search the current DOS directory, and the directory from which BD32 was executed (DOS version 3.0 and newer only), looking for a disk file with the same name as the command but with a filename extension of '.d32'. This file should contain a CPU32 assembly language program, stored in the Motorola standard S-record format. If such a file is found, its contents are downloaded to the target MCU and the program is executed. If the file is not found, BD32 reports 'undefined command' to the user.

Programs which are downloaded and executed in this manner are called 'Target-Resident Command Drivers', and they have access to all resources available on the host PC, such as the display and keyboard, disk files, etc. This facility may be used to create new BD32 commands which perform target-dependant tasks, such as on-chip EEPROM programming, self-test, etc. For more information on these command drivers, see the section entitled 'Using Target-Resident Command Drivers with BD32'.

Memory Display/Modify Commands

BF <start> <end> <data> [;<option>]

Fills memory with the value specified by <data>, starting at address <start> and ending with address <end>. The optional ;b, ;w, or ;l size specifier is used to determine the size of the data write.

MD [<address>] [<count>] [;<option>]

Display the contents of memory starting at <address1>, continuing for <count> bytes. If <count> is not specified, it is assumed to be $100. If <address> is not specified, the starting address will be the location after the last byte displayed by a previous "md".

MM [<address>] [;<option>]

Examine and optionally change the contents of memory starting with <address>.

<Option> specifies the size of data upon which to operate. This allows coherent update of word or long word I/O registers in the Microcontroller. If ';di' is specified then the single-line assembler will be invoked (see ASM command).

The data at the specified address is presented, along with its ASCII character if the data represents a printable ASCII character. The user may enter a new value, in which case that value will be written to memory. The user may also optionally enter a character after the new value, which may be one of the following:

Character       Action
=========       ======
no character    repeat the action of the previously-entered character
                (defaults to 'v')
'='             write the new value but do not increment the address displayed
'^'             write the new value, then decrement the address displayed.
'v' or 'V'      write the new value, then increment the address displayed.
'.'             quit memory modify and return to the BD32 prompt.
LO <filename> [<offset>]

The load command loads an object code file from disk into the target processor's memory. The format used must be Motorola S-records; This format is produced by most cross assemblers, including Motorola's Freeware assembler AS32. All valid types of S-record are supported - S1, S2, and S3.

If no filename is entered on the command line, the user will be prompted for one. If for some reason the file cannot be opened, the message "Cannot open file <filename>"will be displayed. At the end of the load, a message is displayed showing the number of S-records loaded from the file into memory.

The optional offset parameter, if provided, will be added to the load addresses found in the s-record file. This allows the code to be loaded into a different address than was specified at assembly time.

Line-by-Line Assembler/Disassembler

ASM [<address>]

This command disassembles the code at location <address>, then prompts for new code to be assembled and placed in memory. After each new instruction is entered, it is assembled into memory and the next location is displayed. To return to the BD32 prompt, enter a period ('.') instead of assembly code.

Since this assembler is intended for code patches, the assembler will not optimize the code entered in any way; for example, the line "move #2,d0", which would be optimized to "moveq #2,d0" by most common 68000 assemblers, will not be changed. Similiarly, when disassembled the code will be displayed exactly as it exists in memory. For example, if an indexed addressing mode is used with some registers suppressed, all suppressed registers will be displayed, along with scaling factors if present in the code.

There are some minor restrictions on the syntax which is recognized. Appendix A lists all limitations on assembly language input.

DASM [<address> [count]]

DASM performs a code disassembly starting at the specified location. It disassembles <count> instructions each time it is invoked. The address is optional in which case the instruction following the last disassembled will be used. The count is also optional; the default is to use the count last specified.

Register Display/Modify


RD performs a display of the contents of all the CPU registers in the CPU32, followed by a disassembly of the instruction pointed to by the program counter.

RM [<registername>]

RM allows the user to modify the contents if the CPU registers. A register name may be specified, in which case the command presents that register first. If no register is specified then D0 is presented first.

Editing the register contents is similiar to the MM memory modify command explained above. The register name is displayed, followed by its contents. If the user wishes to change the contents, he may enter a new value to be stored in that register, followed by pressing the 'enter' key. He may also optionally enter one of the following characters as follows:

Character       Action
=========       ======
no character    repeat the action of the previously-entered character
                (defaults to 'v')
'='             write the new value but do not increment to the next register.
'^'             write the new value, then decrement to the previous register.
'v' or 'V'      write the new value, then increment to the next register.
'.'             quit register modify and return to the BD32 prompt.


Breakpoints are used to stop the processor when a certain set of user-specified conditions exist, in order to examine the state of the CPU, memory, I/O, etc. Breakpoints are implemented in two distinct ways, depending on whether the BCCDI (Development Interface) card is used, or whether the parallel adapter circuit is used.

Breakpoints on the BCCDI

When plugged into the Busines Card Computer, either directly, or through the Platform Board, the DI card has access to the address and control busses of the target microcontroller. This allows the DI card to monitor the operation of the target microcontroller and generate breakpoints on many types of CPU cycle - for example, supervisor or user memory accesses, interrupt acknowledge cycles, even when some chip selects or port pins are asserted (those signals that are alternate functions on the monitored pins). For this reason, a breakpoint gate array was included on the DI card to provide HARDWARE breakpoints.

The breakpoint gate array is essentially a quad 32 bit maskable comparitor, where each bit on each comparitor may be selected to match on a '1' state, a '0' state, or 'X' (don't care, always valid). There are four compare value registers and four mask registers. The compare value registers define the value of the associated signal that the comparitor must see in order to generate a 'match' output to stop the taeget CPU. The mask registers define which bits of the value registers should be compared and which should be ignored (IE. which are 'X' or don't care bits). Any bit in the mask register which contains a '1' defines the corresponding bit in the compare register as being valid. The breakpoint commands in BD32 allow the user to set up these registers to halt the target MCU under the selected conditions.

Breakpoints when using the Parallel Adapter Circuit or the ICD Card

The parallel adapter circuit and the Motorola ICD card have access to only a limited number of signals on the target MCU, which do not include the address and control signals. This means that hardware breakpoints, as described in the previous paragraph, are not available. When using the parallel adapter circuit or ICD interface, BD32 uses a 'software' breakpoint scheme similiar to that used on the 8-bit EVM modules such as the 68HC05 and 68HC11.

In the software breakpoint scheme, breakpoints may only be set in program memory. The user instruction at the selected breakpoint location is saved in the PC and a special breakpoint opcode (BGND, value $4AFA) is inserted in its place. When the user program is executing and the BGND opcode is encountered, the CPU stops executing code and enters the background debug mode.

BR [<address> [<mask>]]

A breakpoint is set at the specified address. Only four breakpoints may be active at any one time, and if all four are already set the message "Breakpoint limit reached" will be displayed. If no address or mask is specified, then the BR command simply displays all currently active breakpoints.

The mask specifies which bit of the address are valid. The format of the address and mask bits is shown below:

Bit     31      30      29      28      27      26      25      24
Signal  DS      AS      SIZ1    SIZ0    R/W     FC2     FC1     FC0
The least significant three bytes contain the 24 bit breakpoint address. If a mask bit is high, the corresponding address or control signal is enabled for comparision. If a mask is not specified, then a default mask of hex 8007FFFF is used.

When the parallel adapter circuit or ICD card are used, the mask is accepted and saved, but has no effect, since the breakpoint gate array is not available as outlined in the breakpoint description.

After the breakpoint is successfully set, all currently active breakpoints will be displayed.

NOBR [<address1> [<address2> [<address3> [address4>]]]]

NOBR removes breakpoints which were set at the specified address. If no addresses are specified, then the question "Kill all breakpoints (Y/N)? " will appear. If the user types "Y" or "Yes", then all breakpoints will be cleared.

If one or more addresses are specified, then breakpoints set at those addresses will be cleared. If an address is given for which no breakpoint is set, the message "Can't clear breakpoint: <address>" will be displayed.

The command finishes by displaying any breakpoints which are set after the NOBR command has been executed.

Processor Control

GO [<address>]

The processor starts execution at the specified address. If no address was given, the processor resumes at the current address in the program counter. If the processor is already running, a warning message is displayed and the processor state is not altered.


The processor is restarted as if a power-up reset had occurred.


A hardware reset is applied to the MCU. After reset is released, the MCU stops before executing the first instruction cycle after reset. From this point the MCU can be single-stepped from startup using the 'T' (trace) command, or run at full speed using the 'GO' command.


The processor is stopped from executing code at the end of the current instruction.

T [<conditional expression>]
S [<conditional expression>]

The trace instruction causes the processor to execute one instruction and then stop; if the command is a branch or jump into a subroutine, execution will stop at the first instruction of the subroutine. A register dump is performed after the instruction is executed.

The step command ('S') single-steps the processor one instruction, but subroutine calls are executed at full speed, stopping the target processor at the instruction after the call. This is handy for cases where subroutines have already been tested.

If the optional conditional expression is entered, then the trace and step commands will execute continuously until the expression evaluates to a non-zero result. For example, the command

T PC==$4004

will cause BD32 to trace until the program counter value equals the hex value $4004. Similiarly,

S *LoopCounter < 23

will step until the variable at address 'LoopCounter' is less than 23. The user may halt the trace/step action by pressing the 'ESC' key.

When the 'S' (step) command encounters a subroutine call or trap instruction, a breakpoint is placed at the instruction after the call or trap. The target is then run at full speed, and the return from the call/trap will cause it to hit to breakpoint and stop. This means that there must be at least one free breakpoint available, and the code to be stepped cannot reside in ROM.

Miscellaneous Commands

* <comment>

A line which begins with an asterisk is regarded as a comment line, and BD32 will not process these lines. This is useful for macro files, to add comments on the operation of the commands in the macro file. (Macro files are executed using the 'DO' command - see the description of this command for more information).


CLS clears the screen and positions the cursor at the top line on the display.

CLOAD <command> [<parameters> ...]

This command loads a target-resident command driver and sets up the user-specified parameters as text strings in memory, but does not execute the command. This is provided mainly to assist in debugging Target-Resident Command Drivers (see the section later in this document entitled 'Using Target-Resident Command Drivers with BD32') and would not normally be used to debug application programs. Use the 'LO' command to load application programs for debugging.

After the command driver is loaded, the execution address is written into the Program Counter (PC) register of the target MCU, and a message is displayed on the screen showing the driver load address and the execution address.

DO <filename>

The file specified is opened, and text is read and executed as if it was being typed at the keyboard by the user. This allows the user to create command files using a standard text editor. Any legal BD32 command may contained in this text file, including DO. Recursive DO commands are not supported; if a command file contains a 'DO' command, the file containing the 'DO' command will be closed, and execution will continue with the newly specified command file.

If an error occurs during execution of a 'do' file, BD32 will ask the user if he wishes to continue. The user has the option of continuing execution of the 'do' file by pressing 'Y' (yes), or aborting execution by pressing 'N' (no). Most types of errors will cause this query to appear; for example, using an undefined symbol in an expression, commandline parameter out of range, etc.

DOS [<commandline>]

This command causes BD32 to be suspended temporarily and escape to the PC-DOS operating system.

If <commandline> was not entered after the 'DOS' command, then BD32 suspends to the PC-DOS commmand interpreter COMMAND.COM. In this way the user can execute PC-DOS commands and then return to BD32 by entering the PC-DOS 'exit' command.

If <commandline> is entered following the 'DOS' command, it will be passed to DOS to be executed. After that command line is executed by PC-DOS, control returns immediately to BD32.

DRIVER [<expression>]

The DRIVER command specifies the load address for Target-Resident Command Drivers. (See the section entitled 'Using Target-Resident Command Drivers with BD32' later in this document, for a description of Target-Resident Command Drivers).

If the DRIVER command is entered without any parameters, the current setting of the driver load address is displayed (the default is $0 when BD32 is started). The load address may be changed by entering an address expression as a parameter to the DRIVER command.

EVAL <expression>

The eval command evaluates the expression on the command line and prints the hex, decimal, and binary value of the result. Any legal expression may be entered. If an error is found in the expression the user will be notified with an error message.


These commands terminate BD32 and return to the DOS operating system. The target system is not affected by the command, and is left in whatever state existed before the command was entered.

FC [<function code>]

The FC command allows the user to specify which function code should be used by BD32 when it accesses memory in the target system. The default function code is 5 (supervisor data space).

To enter a new value, type the FC command with a numeric parameter in the range 0 through 7. To see what function code value is currently in use, type the FC command without a parameter.

The function codes and their numeric values may be found in the CPU32 reference manual, CPU32RM/AD, available from Motorola.

LOG [<filename> | OFF]

The LOG command provides a way to keep a record of debug activity in a disk file for later reference. When 'LOG <filename>' is entered, BD32 creates a file of that name on disk, and all subsequent user commands and program output from BD32 to the user will be copied to that disk file. In the second form, 'LOG OFF' closes the disk file and disables logging to disk until the next 'LOG <filename>' command is entered. The third, form, 'LOG' without any parameter, informs the user whether or not logging is in effect.

PORT [<port> <speed>]

If the PORT command is entered without any parameters, BD32 displays the current device name (LPT1, LPT2, COM1, or COM2), and the current delay/speed setting for the port.

If a new port was specified, BD32 switches to that I/O port on the host computer. <port> must be one of COM1, COM2, LPT1, or LPT2. If a COM port is specified, BD32 assumes that a Motorola BCCDI card is attached to that serial port; The DI card must be running software version 1.00 through 1.13 in order for BD32 to work. (If your DI card has a 68HC811E2 microcontroller on it, it will work; the DI card with the 68HC711E9 is not supported by BD32). The <speed> parameter is interpreted as the baud rate for the specified serial port.

If a parallel (LPT) port is specified, BD32 assumes that the BDM interface circuit, whose schematic is included with BD32 in the file BDM-IF.SCH/BDM-IF.PRN, is attached to the specified parallel port. The <speed> parameter represents a delay count to be used when clocking data to the target MCU.

After setting the port number, the PORT command displays the port in use and the speed.

SD [<start> [<end>]]

SD displays the name and value of symbols stored in BD32's symbol table. If no <start> or <end> values are entered, then the entire contents (all symbols) are displayed. The symbols are displayed in increasing alphabetical order.

The user may optionally limit the range of symbol names displayed by entering the <start> and <end> symbol names. These parameters do not have to exactly match symbols which are in the table; BD32 will take the closest match which does exist in the symbol table, and use that for its starting or ending symbol for the display.

The user may halt a lengthly symbol display by pressing the Escape key (ESC).

SET <symbolname> <expression>

The specified symbol is entered into BD32's symbol table, and given the value obtained by evaluating the numeric expression. If the symbol already existed, its value is changed to that specified by the expression. BD32 is currently set to allow room for about 300 symbols. Symbols may be up to 31 characters long, and all characters are significant. The value stored for each symbol is a 32 bit integer quantity.


SYSCALL enables and disables BD32 system call processing when an instruction is traced. This command is designed to be an aid to debugging Target-Resident Command Drivers, and would not be used during the development of normal applications programs. See the section below entitled 'Using Target-Resident Command Drivers with BD32' for an explanation of what these drivers are and how they are used.

If SYSCALL is entered without any parameters, the current setting for system call processing is displayed. If the parameter 'ON' is entered, system call processing is enabled; if the parameter 'OFF' is entered, then it will be disabled. Any other parameter produces an error message.


The WINDOW command allows the user to select between a windowed user interface and a simpler 'glass teletype' style of interface.

When BD32 starts up, it presents a 'windowed' interface which displays the target CPU registers in one window at the top of the screen, a code disassembly window in the middle of the screen, and a small command line window at the bottom. This is fine for most debugging work, however some commands are easier to use if they are displayed in a larger command line window. The 'WINDOW OFF' command will remove the register and disassembly windows, leaving the entire screen (except for the status line at the bottom of the screen) for the command line display.

If the user desires to return to the windowed interface, the command 'WINDOW ON' will restore it to the screen.

Using Target-Resident Command Drivers with BD32

In order to allow the user to easily extend the command set of BD32, particularly to facilitate EPROM/EEPROM programming, erasing, verifying, etc. on 68300 family microcontrollers, a method was implemented in BD32 to allow the creation of user-defined commands. This is available in version 1.2 and later of BD32.

If the user enters a command which does not match the name of a built-in BD32 command, then BD32 will search the current DOS directory, and the directory from which BD32 was executed (DOS version 3.0 and newer only), looking for a disk file with the same name as the command but with a filename extension of '.d32'. For example, if the user entered the command:

show main

BD32 would search for a disk file called 'show.d32'. This file should contain a CPU32 assembly language program, stored in the Motorola standard S-record format. If such a file is found, its contents are downloaded to the target MCU and the program is executed. If the file is not found, BD32 reports 'undefined command' to the user.

Programs which are downloaded and executed in this manner are called 'Target-Resident Command Drivers', and they have access to all resources available on the host PC, such as the display and keyboard, disk files, etc. When they are downloaded and executed, BD32 monitors their execution instead of returning control to the user. When the driver enters background mode, by executing the BGND instruction, it must pass a function code to BD32 in CPU register D0. BD32 will read that register when the target MCU halts, and along with parameters in the other CPU registers will perform one of a set of functions as specified by the function code. When BD32 has finished executing the system call, it will write the results back into the CPU registers of the target MCU, and restart execution of the target-resident driver.

There are several functions available, as documented later in this appendix; they form an interface between the driver program running on the target MCU, and the resources of the host PC. Essentially, BD32 functions as a slave to the target MCU, performing the requested function, returning the results to the target, and restarting its execution. This will continue until the target MCU halts with the QUIT (value 0) function code in register D0, at which point BD32 leaves the target MCU halted and goes back to its normal mode of operation, accepting and processing commands from the user. If for some reason the user wishes to abort execution of the target-resident driver, pressing the <esc> key will halt the target system and return control of BD32 to the user.

Driver Format

Target-Resident Command Drivers are written as position-independant programs; their load address is determined dynamically by BD32, based on a user-input load address (see DRIVER command description). When creating command drivers, care must be taken to ensure that all references to data and code in the driver are position-independant. The driver cannot be guaranteed that it will load at any arbitrary address; the only guarantee is that the load address will be a word-aligned (ie, even) address.

Command drivers are stored on disk using the standard Motorola S-Record hex-ASCII format. The S-Records should start at address 0; BD32 will relocate them as they are loaded, by adding the load offset specified in the DRIVER command, plus an offset calculated to allow enough room for the command line parameters entered by the user. The first four bytes in the driver must be a long-word (4 byte) offset to the execution address; this is address at which BD32 will start execution of the driver when the it is first loaded.

When the driver is loaded, the command line parameters entered by the user are set up in memory. The structure used consists of an array of long pointers, each one pointing to a text string terminated with a zero byte. This gives the program access to the command line parameters entered by the user. This is identical to the 'main (int argc, char **argv)' structure used by C programs. The parameters are the actual character strings typed by the user; they have been separated into individual zero-terminated strings, but they must be parsed by the driver if numerical information is required.

When the driver is executed, CPU register D0 contains the count (argc) of command line parameters stored in memory, and CPU register A0 contains the address (argv) of the array of text pointers. Additionally, Address register A5 will point to the first memory location occupied by the driver; this will be useful in making references to memory variables, since the 68000 family processors do not allow memory writes using the PC-relative addressing mode.

Suppose the user typed the following command:

TEST 34 code.s19

Data register D0 would contain the value 3, and address register A0 would point to an array containing three longword (4-byte) pointers. The first element of the array would point to the text string 'TEST', the second would point to the text string '34', and the third would point to the text string 'code.s19'.

Up to nine parameters are allowed for a command. The maximum value for argc will be 10 (nine parameters plus one for the command's name).

The driver is executed with the value $2700 in the CPU's status register (supervisor priviledge level, level 7 interrupt mask). The driver routine may make any of the BD32 system calls defined below to communicate with the host computer. The driver completes execution by making a QUIT system call (register D0 contains 0).

An example of a driver program is shown below. This driver simply echoes its command line parameters to the screen.

                        * test driver for BD32 programming command
                        * Scott Howard February 1992
                        * Format: TEST <parameter 1> [<parameter 2> ...]
                        * simply echoes the command line parameters back to the user
                        * source file name: test.s
                        * object file name: test.d32
                        * object file format: Motorola S-record hex
                                        opt     l
00000000 0000 0030                      dc.l    TEST            execution address
00000004 5445 5354 2050 signon  dc.b    'TEST PROGRAM for BD32 programming drivers'
         524f 4752 414d
         2066 6f72 2042
         4433 3220 7072
         6f67 7261 6d6d
         696e 6720 6472
         6976 6572 73
0000002d 0d0a 00        CRLF            dc.b    13,10,0         <cr>, <lf>, null
                        * following is the mainline routine for the driver
00000030 2248           TEST            move.l  a0,a1           get argv in a1
00000032 2400                           move.l  d0,d2           get argc
00000034 41fa ffce                      lea.l   signon(PC),a0   print signon string
00000038 7001                           moveq.l #BD_PUTS,d0     use 'putstring' function in BD32
0000003a 4afa           		bgnd
0000003c 0c82 0000 0002                 cmpi.l  #2,d2           arg count < 2?
00000042 6400 0008                      bcc     test_1
00000046 7201                           moveq.l #1,d1           bail out - error code 1
00000048 6000 001c                      bra     test_error
0000004c 7001           test_1          moveq.l #BD_PUTS,d0     puts () system call
0000004e 2059                           movea.l (a1)+,a0        point to next string
00000050 4afa           		bgnd
00000052 7220                           moveq.l #' ',d1         print space between each one
00000054 7002                           moveq.l #BD_PUTCHAR,d0
00000056 4afa           		bgnd
00000058 5342                           subq    #1,d2
0000005a 66f0                           bne     test_1          loop till done
0000005c 41fa ffcf      		lea.l	CRLF(PC),a0	point to <cr> <lf> string
00000060 7001                           moveq.l #BD_PUTS,d0     display it on user screen
00000062 4afa           		bgnd
00000064 4281                           clr.l   d1              indicate 'no error' to BD32
00000066 7000           test_error      moveq.l #BD_QUIT,d0     all done - quit
00000068 4afa           		bgnd
                                        END     TEST

 =====     0 Error(s)
 =====     0 Warning(s)

BD32 System Calls for Target-Resident Command Drivers

In order to access resources on the host PC, a set of system calls is provided. System calls are accessed by loading a code into register D0, signifying which system call is desired, and then executing the BGND (enter background mode) instruction. When the system call has been executed by BD32, the target MCU is restarted and register D0 will contain a result code, indicating the success or failure of the system call.

This command set allows the target microcontroller to take complete control of the host PC; it can create, open, read, write, and close disk files, and it can read input from the user via the keyboard and display messages on the screen. This allows the creation of fairly sophisticated programs for applications such as production testing and configuration, production statistics, etc, while still maintaining the consistent interface via BD32. The ability to write command files for BD32 assists in allowing the programmer to more or less completely automate operations in BD32.

Following is a description of the system calls available.

Name    Function                        

QUIT    stop driver execution
PUTS    display character string on screen
PUTCHAR	display single character on screen   2	D1 - character
GETS    get string from user (CR ends)       3  A0 - address of buffer
GETCHAR get single character from user       4  char returned in D0
GETSTAT returns char ready/not ready status  5  D0 non-zero if ready
FOPEN   open disk file on host PC            6  A0 - filename string
                                                A1 - pointer to mode
                                                (same format as fopen)
FCLOSE  close disk file                      7  D1 - file handle
FREAD   read n bytes from disk file          8  D1 - file handle
                                                D2 - byte count
                                                A0 - buffer address
FWRITE  read n bytes from disk file          9  D1 - file handle
                                                D2 - byte count
                                                A0 - buffer address
FTELL   return current file pointer pos.     10 D1 - file handle
FSEEK   seek to position n in disk file      11 D1 - file handle
                                                D2 - offset
                                                D3 - origin
FGETS   read \n-terminated string from file  12 D1 - file handle
                                                A0 - buffer
FPUTS   write null terminated string to file 13 D1 - file handle
                                                A0 - buffer
EVAL    evaluate expression from string      14 A0 - string
                                                D1 - return value
FREADSREC read S-record from disk file       15 D1 - file handle
                                                A0 - buffer address
Register D0 must contain the function code 'fcode' upon entry, and will contain a status word when control returns to the driver program. D0 is zero if the operation succeeds and will be non-zero if an error occurred during the function call. For function 5 (GETSTAT), the result is zero if no character is ready. If a character is ready D0 will contain the ASCII code for the character; function 3 or 4 must still be called to clear the character from the input buffer.

If register D0 contains an illegal function code value, that is greater than 15, BD32 will display all CPU registers using the same format as the 'RD' command. It will then keep the target stopped, and will present a prompt to the user asking him whether or not he wishes to continue execution. If the user presses the <escape> key, the target driver will be aborted and BD32 returns control to the user. Any other key will cause BD32 to resume execution of the driver.

This feature was implemented mainly to simplify debugging of resident command drivers, since normal BD32 debug facilities are not available when executing target-resident commands. By purposely inserting BGND instructions at various locations in the program, the programmer can look at the status of the target MCU, analyze the execution of the command driver being debugged, and decide on the spot whether or not to continue execution.

Disk file functions are similiar to the buffered file functions in the standard C library (eg. fopen, fread, fwrite, ftell, fseek, fclose). A file handle is returned in D0 by the fopen call; this handle will always be non-zero unless an error occurred. This handle must be passed as the 'handle' parameter for subsequent operations on that file.


stop driver execution
fcode in reg. D0:	0
Parameters:		D1:	return code of target-resident program
Return value:		None

This system call halts execution of the driver and returns control of BD32
to the user.  The value in register D1 is considered as an error code 
representing the success or failure of the target-resident program:  if it
is zero, no error is assumed to have occurred, but if it is non-zero then the
error code is displayed on the screen.

display character string on screen
fcode in reg. D0:	1
Parameters:		A0: address of string
Return value:		D0: error code (non-zero indicates error)

This function writes the character string addressed by register A0 onto the
command line window of BD32's display.  This function returns 0 in register
D0 if the write was successful, or a non-zero value if not.  In the current
implementation of BD32, this function always returns 0.

display character string on screen
fcode in reg. D0:	2
Parameters:		D1: character to be displayed
Return value:		D0: error code (non-zero indicates error)

This function writes the ASCII character in register D1 onto the command
line window of BD32's display.  This function returns 0 in register D0 if
the write was successful, or a non-zero value if not.  In the current
implementation of BD32, this function always returns 0.

get string from user (CR ends)
fcode in reg. D0:	3
Parameters:		A0 - address of buffer
Return value:		D0: error code (non-zero indicates error)

Each character entered on the host PC's keyboard is copied into the memory
buffer addressed by A0.  When the user presses the <return> key, an ASCII
null byte (value = 0) is placed in the location after the last valid ASCII
keypress, and the target-resident program resumes execution.

This function returns 0 in register D0 if the read was successful, or a
non-zero value if not.  In the current implementation of BD32, this
function always returns 0.

get single character from user
fcode in reg. D0:	4
Parameters:		A0 - address of buffer
Return value:		D0: character entered by user


This function stops execution of the driver and gets a character from the
PC's keyboard.  It will not return until the user presses a key.  The ASCII
code of the character will be placed in register D0.

returns char ready/not ready status
fcode in reg. D0:	5
Parameters:		D0 non-zero if ready
Return value:		D0: character entered by user


This function checks the PC's keyboard to see if the user has pressed a
key, but unlike GETCHAR it will return immediately whether or not the
user has pressed a key.  The ASCII code of the last character pressed
will be stored in register D0.  If no key has been pressed, register D0
contains 0.

open disk file on host PC
fcode in reg. D0:	6
Parameters:		A0 - filename string
			A1 - pointer to mode (same format as 'C' fopen)
Return value:		D0: File handle, or 0 if file could not be opened

The FOPEN function opens a disk file using the 'fopen' function call from the
ANSI standard C library.  The parameters are the same as described for the
ANSI function - a filename string, and a mode string.

This function returns a 32-bit file handle which will be needed for
subsequent read, write, and close function calls.  If the file could not be
opened for any reason, this file handle will be zero.

FCLOSE  close disk file                      7  D1 - file handle
close disk file
fcode in reg. D0:	7
Parameters:		D1 - file handle (from previous 'fopen' call)
Return value:		D0 - non-zero if error occurred

This system call closes a disk file previously opened using the FOPEN system
call.  The return status in D0 is non-zero if the file could not be closed

read n bytes from disk file
fcode in reg. D0:	8
Parameters:		D1 - file handle (from previous 'fopen' call)
			D2 - byte count
			A0 - buffer address
Return value:		D0 - count of bytes read from disk file

This system call reads data from a disk file into a buffer addressed by
register A0.  The file must have been previously opened using the FOPEN
system call.The number of bytes is indicated by the value in register D2.

When this system call returns, register D0 contains the number of bytes 
actually read from the file.  This value will be less than the count passed in
D2 if a problem occurred (such as reaching the end of file).

read n bytes from disk file
fcode in reg. D0:	9
Parameters:		D1 - file handle (from previous 'fopen' call)
			D2 - byte count
			A0 - buffer address
Return value:		D0 - count of bytes written to disk file

This system call writes data from target memory to a disk file on the PC.  The
file must have been previously opened using the FOPEN system call.  The number
of bytes is indicated by the value in register D2.

When this system call returns, register D0 contains the number of bytes 
actually read from the file.  This value will be less than the count passed in
D2 if a problem occurred (such as reaching the end of file).

return current file pointer position
fcode in reg. D0:	10
Parameters:		D1 - file handle (from previous 'fopen' call)
Return value:		D0 - current position in disk file

This system call returns the current position of the file pointer.  The
file must have been previously opened using the FOPEN system call.

seek to position n in disk file
fcode in reg. D0:	11
Parameters:		D1 - file handle (from previous 'fopen' call)
			D2 - offset
			D3 - origin
Return value:		D0 - non-zero if error occurred

FSEEK moves the file pointer of a disk file to the position specified in 
register D2, relative to an origin specified in register D3 as follows:

D3 = 0		relative to file start
D3 = 1		relative to current position in file
D3 = 2		relative to file end

The file must have been previously opened using the FOPEN system call.

The return value in D0 is zero if the seek operation succeeded, or non-zero
if the seek operation failed.

read newline-terminated string from file
fcode in reg. D0:	12
Parameters:		D1 - file handle (from previous 'fopen' call)
			A0 - buffer
Return value:		D0 - address of buffer if OK, or zero if error

This system call reads an ASCII string from the disk file identified by the
file handle in D1.  The file must have been previously opened using the
FOPEN system call.

write null terminated string to file
fcode in reg. D0:	13
Parameters:		D1 - file handle (from previous 'fopen' call)
			A0 - buffer
Return value:		D0 - non-negative value if OK, or $ffffffff if error

This system call writes a null-terminated ASCII string from the MCU's memory
to a disk file on the host PC.  The file must have been previously opened
using the FOPEN system call.

evaluate expression from string
fcode in reg. D0:	14
Parameters:		A0 - string
Return value:		D0 - non-zero if error occurred
			D1 - result of evaluation


EVAL performs a mathematical evaluation of the expression in the string
addressed by register A0.  The string must be terminated by an ASCII 
null (hex $0).  EVAL returns the calculated value in D1, and a 
status value in D0.  The status value is a bit mask, where a bit set to '1'
indicates a certain error, as follows:

Bit 1   Invalid operator (eg. ++)
Bit 2   Undefined symbol name
Bit 4   Illegal character in string
Bit 8   String terminated prematurely

read S-record from disk file
fcode in reg. D0:	15
Parameters:		D1 - file handle
			A0 - buffer address
Return value:		D0 - error code, non-zero if error occurred

FREADSREC reads one S-record from the file associated with the
file handle.  The S-record is converted to binary, scanned for checksum
verification, and then loaded into the buffer pointed to by address register
A0 (NOT to the address contained in the S-record).  The data in the buffer
will be formatted as follows:

Byte 0          S-record type (0,1,2,3,7,8, or 9)
Byte 1          record length - number of bytes to follow (including address)
Bytes 2-5       address field, always 4 bytes long
Bytes 6-?       code

The return value in D0 will be one of the following values:

0       S-record was read OK.
1       End of File reached before S9 record encountered
2       the S-record just read was an S9 record (last record of file)
	address field contains the execution address from the S9 record
3       Checksum error detected in the current S-record
4       illegal S-record - file is probably not an S-record file

Driver Messages

In order to help simplify and reduce the size of Target Resident Drivers, BD32 implements a feature which allows error messages, and a one-line 'help' description of the command, to be stored in a disk file separate from the driver code itself. This file must have the same name as the command, but with a filename extension of ".msg". For example, if a programming driver was stored in a disk file "prog.d32", its message file would be named "prog.msg".

The first line of text in the message file is the 'help' text displayed for the command when the BD32 'help' command is invoked. Successive lines of text in the message file are error messages, to be displayed when the driver finishes execution. The particular message to be displayed is determined by the status code present in the target MCU's D1 register when the driver executes a QUIT function call to BD32. If D1 contains zero, no message is displayed (the driver executed and terminated normally); if D1 contains 1, the second line of text in the message file is displayed; if D1 contains 2, the third line of text in the message file is displayed; and so on. If no message file is found for a particular command, or if there is no text in the file corresponding to the error code returned by the driver, then BD32 simply displays the numeric error code. Similiarly, if the BD32 'help' command finds a driver file on disk with no corresponding message file, it displays the name of the target driver with the message '{no description available}'.

Below is an example of a message file for the TEST driver presented earlier in this section. The only error code which this driver can return is 1 (no command line parameters); so there is only one error message in this file. The first text string is the help string, which is displayed by the BD32 'help' command.

TEST <param1> [<param2> <param3>...]    Test driver - displays cmd line
test: no parameters to display!

Driver Debugging

Debugging a Target-Resident command can be more difficult than debugging normal user programs, for several reasons. When these commands are executed by BD32, BD32 automatically loads the command from disk, preventing the programmer from patching breakpoints or diagnostics into the code; furthermore, BD32 monitors their execution, watching for system call requests, meaning that control of BD32 does not return to the user until the driver issues a QUIT system call. Thus, breakpoints and single-stepping are not available during command execution.

The BD32 'CLOAD' command was provided to load the driver and set up its command line parameters in the memory of the target microcontroller. This sets up the command in target memory as it would be for command execution; however BD32 does not execute the driver, but instead returns control to the user. At this point, the user may debug the driver through use of BD32's normal breakpoints, trace command, etc.

During normal debugging of user programs, BD32 does not execute a system call in response to the target halting execution with the BGND instruction. This would normally prevent debugging of command drivers which used these system calls. The BD32 command 'SYSCALL' allows the user to enable processing of these system calls.

Each time the user enters the 'Trace' command ('T'), BD32 will check the instruction to be executed. If it is a BGND (Background) instruction, and the user has previously enabled system call processing by entering 'syscall on', then BD32 will perform the system call as defined by the contents of the target's D0 register. If system call processing is not enabled, then it will attempt to trace the instruction as normal.

Note that if the processor is executing and encounters the system call BGND instruction, it will halt and BD32 will not process the system call. In this case, the user may force execution of the system call by setting the program counter to the address of the BGND instruction (using the 'rm' command), issuing the trace command ('T'), and then the 'go' command, to resume execution of the program.

Appendix A - One line Assembler/Disassembler

Following is a more complete description of the operation of BD32's one line assembler/disassembler.


The register lists must be of the form 'A1/A2/A3/A4' or 'D0/D1/D2/D4/D6'
where every register to be saved/restored must be individually
specified.  The shorthand form, for example 'A1-A4', is not supported.
There is no restriction on the order of the registers in the register list.

Indexed Addressing Modes

Indexed modes must be entered with the displacement outside of the
parentheses.  The alternate format, with the displacement inside the
parentheses, is not supported. For example,

	TST.L	26(a0,d0.w)

is would be assembled correctly, while

	TST.L	(26,a0,d0.w)

would result in an error message being displayed.

Also, all elements of the indexed mode must be specified even if
registers or displacements are suppressed.  The suppressed terms must be
prefixed with a 'Z', and null displacements must be specified as 0.  For
example, in the instruction above if we wanted to suppress all but the
'd0.w' term, the form

	TST.L	0(za0,d0.w)

would be required;  simply entering

	TST.L	(d0.w)

would result in an error message.

Default Absolute Addressing Mode

If absolute addressing is used without a size being specified, then the
size will default to long, ie. a 32-bit absolute address will be used.
For example,

	TST.L	$34	and
	TST.L	$34.L

will both result in a 32-bit address being used to specify the address
of the operand.  To use a 16-bit address, specify .W after the address,
as in

	TST.L	$34.W