Hardware Description

Main Features

Connectors for Actuators and Sensors


Electrical Characteristics

Physical Characteristics

Chip Select

NCS0   Boot-Flash 
NCS1   Ethernet controller
NCS2   USB Host controller

Pinouts Version M6

Serial Port 1 (9 pin, SUB-D female)
Standard RS-232 serial port (12 V)
Usage: Serial console
1  -
2  Tx
3  Rx
4  -
5  GND
6  - 
7  CTS
8  RTS
9  Power (5V, Vcc via 500mA fuse)
J9 when on, connect RTS pin of Serial 1 to 5 V
Serial Port 2 (9 pin SUB-D male)
Standard RS-232 serial port (12 V)
Usage: BlueTooth Wireless or GPS
1  -
2  Rx
3  Tx
4  -
5  GND
6  - 
7  RTS
8  CTS
9  Power (5V, Vcc via 500mA fuse)
J8 when on, connect RTS pin of Serial 2 to 5 V
USB Port
There are 4 USB 2.0 ports available onboard (one of them is a USB slave port)
J11 – USB slave (miniUSB connector)
P1A – USB1 (USB B connector)
P1B – USB2 (USB B connector)
P3  - USB3 (4 terminal pins)
1 5V Vcc
Ethernet port
The board supports 10/100 MBit ethernet connection  
J13 (RJ45 connector)
1 Tx+
2 Tx-
3 Rx+
6 Rx-
Infrared Port (3 pin)
A standard TV remote control can be used to command the EyeBot
Note: TV remote formats differ. Software has been developed for Nokia VCN620
2 Vcc (5V reg. via 330 Ohm)
3 N.C.
4 Connected to GPIO82 of Gumstix (via 4k7 pullup)
Video Outputs (2 pin x 2)
This output lets you view the camera signal on a monitor by using a cable
or a wireless video transmitter.
J35 - video output for left camera
1 Video signal
J36 - video output for right camera
1 Video signal
Digital Camera interface (32 pin x 2)
J21 - Left camera
J22 - Right camera
1-8 Data 0-7
11  SDA   
13  SCL
14  HREF   
16  VSYNC 
18  PCLK
19  EXCLK   
20  Vcc (3.3V)
22  Vcc (3.3V)
31  GND
32  Video out
One onboard Speaker 
Three audio jack connectors for external speaker/microphone:
J2 - Audio Line-out connector
J3 - Mic-in connector
J4 - Audio Line-in connector
DC Motor and Encoder (4 times 6 pins)
J30 - Motor 1
J31 - Motor 2
J32 - Motor 3
J33 - Motor 4
 1 Motor -
 2 Motor +
 3 GND
 4 Vcc (5V regulated)
 5 Encoder Channel B
 6 Encoder Channel A
JP2 controls the power source of motor 1 and 2
JP3 controls the power source of motor 3 and 4
1                       5V
2                       Motor power
3                       VBATT (8-15V)
Servo (14 times 3 pin)
Servo control signals are generated by fpga
Note: Servo connectors are arranged in 7 rows with 7 pins each.
      The pins for each row are (left to right):
      Signal_ServoA, Vcc, GND, 5V (reg.), GND, Vcc, Signal_ServoB
1  Signal
2  Vcc (unregulated)
3  GND
Position Sensitive Device (6 times 4 pin)
6 PSD on J24-J29 
1  GND
2  Clock input
3  Vcc (5V regulated)
4  Sensor output (digital)
Analog Input (5 pin)
1 Vcc (5V regulated)
2 Analog Input 0
3 Analog Input 1
4 Analog Input 2
5 Analog GND
Digital Input/Output (20 pin)
There are 16 digital I/Os on two I/O banks. (8 I/Os on each bank).  Digital I/Os 4..7 on bank1 are shared with camera 2, they are not available if camera 2 is in used
1                       3.3V
2                       5V
 3-10  Digital I/O 0..7 on bank0
11-18  Digital I/O 0..7 on bank1
19  GND
20  GND

Hardware Versions

Mark 1

two boards, double-sided, rectangular pushbuttons, no speaker, manufactured by Cogito Boeblingen

Mark 2

two boards, double-sided, speaker and microphone on board, changed audio circuit, manufactured by Neue Arbeit Stuttgart (rectangular push buttons) and AT&M Perth (round push buttons)

Mark 2.1

minor change: connect digital and analog ground

Mark 3.0

single board, 4 layers, completely new design, plug-and-play connectors for sensors and motors, motor controllers on board, BDM on board, wireless module and antenna on board

Mark 3.11

minor change: miniature camera port added, manufactured by AT&M Perth

Mark 3.12

minor change: replaced fuse by reconstituting poly-switch, manufactured by AT&M Perth

Mark 4.02

major new version: extension to 2MB RAM, adding fast camera framebuffer, additional connector for 3rd serial port, redesign of digital I/O, manufactured by AT&M Perth 

Mark 5.0

major new version: camera directly connected to EyeBot, new video out, new infrared receiver, changed motor connectors to match Faulhaber motor changes, changed connectors serial 2 to match BlueTooth wireless and GPS, manufactured by AT&M Perth 

Mark 6.0

major new version: This is a complete redesign of EyeBot.  It uses a 400Mhz ARM9 processor running on Linux 2.6 operating system.  The system includes a Xilinx FPGA, which processes most of the signals for sensors, actuators and digital I/Os.  Two digital cameras are connected directly to the FPGA allows low-level image processing to be implemented on the FPGA.  Other new features include color LCD display, touch screen input, stereo camera, Ethernet LAN, USB ports and AC97 audio device.

Data Sheets

 Audio codec with touch screen controller - UCB1400BE[1].pdf
 Bidirectional transceiver - BUFFER-PI74LPT16245.pdf

OV6630 Digital camera - OV6630.pdf
 RS232 transceiver - ICL3232.pdf
 Ethernet Controller - Ax796B_V10.pdf
SRAM 1Mbit x18 - cy7c1383d_5.pdf
LCD Panel - Samsung-LTE430WQ-F0C_(2007.08.10).pdf
USB Controller - ISP1761_2.pdf
L293D Dual Motor Driver Data Sheet - l293dd.pdf

Motor encoder - e_20B_21B_MME.pdf
LM2678 Voltage regulator - LM2678.pdf

Triple power management IC - tps75003.pdf

Audio power amplifier – LM386.pdf

Infra red remote control receiver - Vishay-TSOP1738.pdf

Sharp GP2D02 Infrared Sensor Data Sheet - SHARP-gp2d02_e.pdf



Thomas Bräunl, 2009