Quick start guide for the Eyebot Jr.:
- Install the pic-axe basic programming editor [see www.rev-ed.co.uk]
(Password is 'picaxebegin')
- Run the programming editor
- Select PICAXE-28, 28x, 256x gosub
- Write a program, or load an example
- Connect the serial cable from the computer to the Eyebot Jr
- Press the blue PLAY button to download the program to the eyebot
Example Program:
high portc 5
low portc 7
low portc 8
sound 5,(50,100)
This just selects the correct device as indicated in the table in the middle of the spec sheet, (ie: selects the speaker) then makes a sound. Please review the BASIC manual for relevant commands. (eg: PWM, In/Out & Servo commands)