// We use some GNU extensions (asprintf, basename) // #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include "bcm_host.h" #include "interface/vcos/vcos.h" #include "interface/mmal/mmal.h" #include "interface/mmal/mmal_logging.h" #include "interface/mmal/mmal_buffer.h" #include "interface/mmal/util/mmal_util.h" #include "interface/mmal/util/mmal_util_params.h" #include "interface/mmal/util/mmal_default_components.h" #include "interface/mmal/util/mmal_connection.h" #include "RaspiCamControl.h" #include "RaspiPreview.h" #include "RaspiCLI.h" // *** PR : ADDED for OPENCV #include #include #include IplImage *py, *pu, *pv, *pu_big, *pv_big, *image,* dstImage, *py_small, *pu_small, *pv_small, *image_small, *img; /// Camera number to use - we only have one camera, indexed from 0. #define CAMERA_NUMBER 0 // Standard port setting for the camera component #define MMAL_CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT 0 #define MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT 1 #define MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT 2 // Video format information #define VIDEO_TIMEOUT 300000 //Adjust video capture time length (in ms). This should be made very large. #define VIDEO_WIDTH 1920 //640 //Adjust video capture pixel width. Must be a multiple of 320. #define VIDEO_HEIGHT 1080 //480 //Adjust video capture pixel height. Must be a multiple of 240. #define VIDEO_FRAME_RATE_NUM 20 //Try playing with this to fix frame rate #define VIDEO_FRAME_RATE_DEN 1 /// Video render needs at least 2 buffers. #define VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM 3 // Max bitrate we allow for recording const int MAX_BITRATE = 2000000; //30000000; // 30Mbits/s int mmal_status_to_int(MMAL_STATUS_T status); static void signal_handler(int signal_number); /** Structure containing all state information for the current run */ typedef struct { int timeout; /// Time taken before frame is grabbed and app then shuts down. Units are milliseconds int width; /// Requested width of image int height; /// Requested height of image int bitrate; /// Requested bitrate int framerate; /// Requested frame rate (fps) int graymode; /// capture in gray only (2x faster) int immutableInput; /// Flag to specify whether encoder works in place or creates a new buffer. Result is preview can display either /// the camera output or the encoder output (with compression artifacts) RASPIPREVIEW_PARAMETERS preview_parameters; /// Preview setup parameters RASPICAM_CAMERA_PARAMETERS camera_parameters; /// Camera setup parameters MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera_component; /// Pointer to the camera component MMAL_COMPONENT_T *encoder_component; /// Pointer to the encoder component MMAL_CONNECTION_T *preview_connection; /// Pointer to the connection from camera to preview MMAL_CONNECTION_T *encoder_connection; /// Pointer to the connection from camera to encoder MMAL_POOL_T *video_pool; /// Pointer to the pool of buffers used by encoder output port } RASPIVID_STATE; /** Struct used to pass information in encoder port userdata to callback */ typedef struct { FILE *file_handle; /// File handle to write buffer data to. VCOS_SEMAPHORE_T complete_semaphore; /// semaphore which is posted when we reach end of frame (indicates end of capture or fault) RASPIVID_STATE *pstate; /// pointer to our state in case required in callback } PORT_USERDATA; /** * Assign a default set of parameters to the state passed in * * @param state Pointer to state structure to assign defaults to */ // default status static void default_status(RASPIVID_STATE *state) { if (!state) { vcos_assert(0); return; } // Default everything to zero memset(state, 0, sizeof(RASPIVID_STATE)); // Now set anything non-zero state->timeout = VIDEO_TIMEOUT; // 5s delay before take image state->width = VIDEO_WIDTH; // use a multiple of 320 (640, 1280) state->height = VIDEO_HEIGHT; // use a multiple of 240 (480, 960) state->bitrate = 800000;// 17000000; // This is a decent default bitrate for 1080p state->framerate = VIDEO_FRAME_RATE_NUM; state->immutableInput = 1; state->graymode = 0; //gray (1) by default, much faster than color (0) // Setup preview window defaults raspipreview_set_defaults(&state->preview_parameters); // Set up the camera_parameters to default raspicamcontrol_set_defaults(&state->camera_parameters); } /** * buffer header callback function for video * * @param port Pointer to port from which callback originated * @param buffer mmal buffer header pointer */ static void video_buffer_callback(MMAL_PORT_T *port, MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer) { MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *new_buffer; PORT_USERDATA *pData = (PORT_USERDATA *)port->userdata; int x, y, posx, posy, max; int blue, green, red, pixelcount; if (pData) { if (buffer->length) { mmal_buffer_header_mem_lock(buffer); // // OPEN CV part start // int w=pData->pstate->width; // get image size int h=pData->pstate->height; int h4=h/4; memcpy(py->imageData,buffer->data,w*h); // read Y (black and white image) //if (pData->pstate->graymode==0) //we always want colour //{ memcpy(pu->imageData,buffer->data+w*h,w*h4); // read U memcpy(pv->imageData,buffer->data+w*h+w*h4,w*h4); // read v cvResize(py, py_small, CV_INTER_NN); cvResize(pu, pu_small, CV_INTER_NN); cvResize(pv, pv_small, CV_INTER_NN); cvMerge(py_small, pu_small, pv_small, NULL, image_small); cvCvtColor(image_small,img,CV_YCrCb2RGB); // convert in RGB color space (slow) //Start: ++++++++++ IMAGE-PROCESSING ++++++++++ // image size typically 240x420 posy=0; posx=0; max=0; pixelcount = 0; for (y=0; yheight; y++) for (x=0; xwidth; x++) { blue = img->imageData[pixelcount++]; green= img->imageData[pixelcount++]; red = img->imageData[pixelcount++]; //PROCESS PIXEL if (x>10 && y>10) { } } // delete next line -- example dot in middle posx=img->width/2; posy=img->height/2; cvCircle(img, cvPoint(posx, posy), 16, CV_RGB(255,0,0), -1, 8, 0); cvShowImage("Processed Image", img); cvWaitKey(1); //End of: ++++++++++ IMAGE PROCESSING ++++++++++ mmal_buffer_header_mem_unlock(buffer); } else { vcos_log_error("buffer null"); printf("*******************\n\nImage error. Buffer null. Waiting for new image\n\n*******************\n"); } } else { vcos_log_error("Received a encoder buffer callback with no state"); printf("*******************\n\nImage error. No buffer state. Waiting for new image\n\n*******************\n"); } // release buffer back to the pool mmal_buffer_header_release(buffer); // and send one back to the port (if still open) if (port->is_enabled) { MMAL_STATUS_T status; new_buffer = mmal_queue_get(pData->pstate->video_pool->queue); if (new_buffer) status = mmal_port_send_buffer(port, new_buffer); if (!new_buffer || status != MMAL_SUCCESS) vcos_log_error("Unable to return a buffer to the encoder port"); } } /** * Create the camera component, set up its ports * * @param state Pointer to state control struct * * @return 0 if failed, pointer to component if successful * */ static MMAL_COMPONENT_T *create_camera_component(RASPIVID_STATE *state) { MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0; MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format; MMAL_PORT_T *preview_port = NULL, *video_port = NULL, *still_port = NULL; MMAL_STATUS_T status; /* Create the component */ status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera); if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) { vcos_log_error("Failed to create camera component"); goto error; } if (!camera->output_num) { vcos_log_error("Camera doesn't have output ports"); goto error; } video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT]; still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT]; // set up the camera configuration { MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG_T cam_config = { { MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG, sizeof(cam_config) }, cam_config.max_stills_w = state->width, cam_config.max_stills_h = state->height, cam_config.stills_yuv422 = 0, cam_config.one_shot_stills = 0, cam_config.max_preview_video_w = state->width, cam_config.max_preview_video_h = state->height, cam_config.num_preview_video_frames = 3, cam_config.stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0, cam_config.fast_preview_resume = 0, cam_config.use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC }; mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr); } // Set the encode format on the video port format = video_port->format; format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420; format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_I420; format->es->video.width = state->width; format->es->video.height = state->height; format->es->video.crop.x = 0; format->es->video.crop.y = 0; format->es->video.crop.width = state->width; format->es->video.crop.height = state->height; format->es->video.frame_rate.num = state->framerate; format->es->video.frame_rate.den = VIDEO_FRAME_RATE_DEN; status = mmal_port_format_commit(video_port); if (status) { vcos_log_error("camera video format couldn't be set"); goto error; } // PR : plug the callback to the video port status = mmal_port_enable(video_port, video_buffer_callback); if (status) { vcos_log_error("camera video callback2 error"); goto error; } // Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames if (video_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM) video_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM; // Set the encode format on the still port format = still_port->format; format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE; format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420; format->es->video.width = state->width; format->es->video.height = state->height; format->es->video.crop.x = 0; format->es->video.crop.y = 0; format->es->video.crop.width = state->width; format->es->video.crop.height = state->height; format->es->video.frame_rate.num = 1; format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1; status = mmal_port_format_commit(still_port); if (status) { vcos_log_error("camera still format couldn't be set"); goto error; } //PR : create pool of message on video port MMAL_POOL_T *pool; video_port->buffer_size = video_port->buffer_size_recommended; video_port->buffer_num = video_port->buffer_num_recommended; pool = mmal_port_pool_create(video_port, video_port->buffer_num, video_port->buffer_size); if (!pool) { vcos_log_error("Failed to create buffer header pool for video output port"); } state->video_pool = pool; /* Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames */ if (still_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM) still_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM; /* Enable component */ status = mmal_component_enable(camera); if (status) { vcos_log_error("camera component couldn't be enabled"); goto error; } raspicamcontrol_set_all_parameters(camera, &state->camera_parameters); state->camera_component = camera; return camera; error: if (camera) mmal_component_destroy(camera); return 0; } /** * Destroy the camera component * * @param state Pointer to state control struct * */ static void destroy_camera_component(RASPIVID_STATE *state) { if (state->camera_component) { mmal_component_destroy(state->camera_component); state->camera_component = NULL; } } /** * Destroy the encoder component * * @param state Pointer to state control struct * */ static void destroy_encoder_component(RASPIVID_STATE *state) { // Get rid of any port buffers first if (state->video_pool) { mmal_port_pool_destroy(state->encoder_component->output[0], state->video_pool); } if (state->encoder_component) { mmal_component_destroy(state->encoder_component); state->encoder_component = NULL; } } /** * Connect two specific ports together * * @param output_port Pointer the output port * @param input_port Pointer the input port * @param Pointer to a mmal connection pointer, reassigned if function successful * @return Returns a MMAL_STATUS_T giving result of operation * */ static MMAL_STATUS_T connect_ports(MMAL_PORT_T *output_port, MMAL_PORT_T *input_port, MMAL_CONNECTION_T **connection) { MMAL_STATUS_T status; status = mmal_connection_create(connection, output_port, input_port, MMAL_CONNECTION_FLAG_TUNNELLING | MMAL_CONNECTION_FLAG_ALLOCATION_ON_INPUT); if (status == MMAL_SUCCESS) { status = mmal_connection_enable(*connection); if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) mmal_connection_destroy(*connection); } return status; } /** * Checks if specified port is valid and enabled, then disables it * * @param port Pointer the port * */ static void check_disable_port(MMAL_PORT_T *port) { if (port && port->is_enabled) mmal_port_disable(port); } /** * main */ int main() //int main(int argc, const char **argv) { printf("Red Dot Test\n"); // Our main data storage vessel.. RASPIVID_STATE state; MMAL_STATUS_T status = (MMAL_STATUS_T) -1; MMAL_PORT_T *camera_video_port = NULL; MMAL_PORT_T *camera_still_port = NULL; MMAL_PORT_T *preview_input_port = NULL; MMAL_PORT_T *encoder_input_port = NULL; MMAL_PORT_T *encoder_output_port = NULL; time_t timer_begin,timer_end; // signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); bcm_host_init(); // read default status default_status(&state); // init windows and OpenCV Stuff //cvNamedWindow("camcvWin", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); int w=state.width; int h=state.height; dstImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w,h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); py = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w,h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // Y component of YUV I420 frame pu = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w/2,h/2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // U component of YUV I420 frame pv = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w/2,h/2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // V component of YUV I420 frame pu_big = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w,h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); pv_big = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w,h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w,h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // final picture to display //Scaling img= cvCreateImage(cvSize(420,240), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); py_small = cvCreateImage(cvSize(420,240), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); pu_small = cvCreateImage(cvSize(420,240), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); pv_small = cvCreateImage(cvSize(420,240), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); image_small = cvCreateImage(cvSize(420,240), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); cvNamedWindow("Processed Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // cvMoveWindow("Processed Image", 214, 120); // create camera if (!create_camera_component(&state)) { vcos_log_error("%s: Failed to create camera component", __func__); } else if ( (status = raspipreview_create(&state.preview_parameters)) != MMAL_SUCCESS) { vcos_log_error("%s: Failed to create preview component", __func__); destroy_camera_component(&state); } else { PORT_USERDATA callback_data; camera_video_port = state.camera_component->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT]; camera_still_port = state.camera_component->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT]; VCOS_STATUS_T vcos_status; callback_data.pstate = &state; vcos_status = vcos_semaphore_create(&callback_data.complete_semaphore, "RaspiStill-sem", 0); vcos_assert(vcos_status == VCOS_SUCCESS); // assign data to use for callback camera_video_port->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *)&callback_data; // init timer time(&timer_begin); // start capture if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(camera_video_port, MMAL_PARAMETER_CAPTURE, 1) != MMAL_SUCCESS) { return 0; } // Send all the buffers to the video port int num = mmal_queue_length(state.video_pool->queue); int q; for (q=0;qqueue); if (!buffer) vcos_log_error("Unable to get a required buffer %d from pool queue", q); if (mmal_port_send_buffer(camera_video_port, buffer)!= MMAL_SUCCESS) vcos_log_error("Unable to send a buffer to encoder output port (%d)", q); } // Now wait until we need to stop vcos_sleep(state.timeout); // mmal_status_to_int(status); // Disable all our ports that are not handled by connections check_disable_port(camera_still_port); if (state.camera_component) mmal_component_disable(state.camera_component); //destroy_encoder_component(&state); raspipreview_destroy(&state.preview_parameters); destroy_camera_component(&state); } if (status != 0) raspicamcontrol_check_configuration(128); time(&timer_end); /* get current time; same as: timer = time(NULL) */ //Release all images cvReleaseImage(&dstImage); cvReleaseImage(&pu); cvReleaseImage(&pv); cvReleaseImage(&py); cvReleaseImage(&pu_big); cvReleaseImage(&pv_big); cvReleaseImage(&image); cvReleaseImage(&img); cvReleaseImage(&py_small); cvReleaseImage(&pu_small); cvReleaseImage(&pv_small); cvReleaseImage(&image_small); return 0; }