void Wall_Follow_Right (VWHandle vw_, PSDHandle *psd_, IRHandle ir_f_, IRHandle ir_r_, char *map_, Segment *segs_, int *count_)

A boundary-following algorithm that tracks the right side of the robot


A boundary-following algorithm that tracks the right side of the robot.

vw_ - The VW Handle
psd_ - The addresses of the Right, Front and Left PSD sensors
ir_f_ - The front infra-red Handle
ir_r_ - The right middle infra-red Handle (IR_RM)
map - The address for the occupation grids
segs - The address for the configuration space
count - The counter for the number of line-segments
Nicholas Tay, CIIPS 1998
See Also:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling
contact: [email protected]