void MAP_Navigation (VWHandle vw_, PSDHandle *psd_x, IRHandle ir_f, IRHandle ir_r, IRHandle ir_l, int target, char *map_)

Performs a robot navigation routine to reach a destination


Performs a robot navigation routine to reach a destination. Includes code for obstacle avoidance and boundary following. Adapted from the DistBug architecture.

vw_ - The VW handle
psd_x - The PSD Handles for the left, front and right PSDs
if_f - The front infra-red Handle
if_r - The right infra-red Handle
if_l - The left infra-red Handle
target - The target cell in the grid
map_ - The grid map used for storage
Nicholas Tay, CIIPS 1998
See Also:
Wall_Follow_Right MAP_Target MAP_Orient MAP_Location

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling
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