Welcome to the EyeBot  Version 7 - RPi1
A Controller For Various Hardware IO
Functions | Variables
audio.c File Reference

Defines functions for audio through the inbuilt speaker. More...

#include "audio.h"


void speaker_init (void)
void tone_toggle (void)
int AUBeep (void)
int AUTone (int freq, int time)
int AUCheckTone (void)
int AUPlay (BYTE *sample)
int AUCheckPlay (void)
int AUMicrophone (void)
int AURecord (BYTE *buf, int time, long freq)
int AUCheckRecord (void)


int _playingTone = 0
int _playing = 0
int _input_freq = 0
int _input_time = 0
int _toggle = 0
Timer _tone_timer = 0
int _max_toggles = 0
volatile int _num_toggles = 0

Detailed Description

Defines functions for audio through the inbuilt speaker.

Rhys Kessey