Welcome to the EyeBot  Version 7 - RPi1
A Controller For Various Hardware IO
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CBOXStructure defining a rectangular box on the LCD
 CCOORD_PAIRStructure representing the coordinates of a point
 CCURSORStructure defining the cursor for the LCD
 CEYEFONTStructure defining a LCD fontcolour/name
 CFBINFOStructure defining the Framebuffer info for the LCD
 CHDT_ADCStructure defining a HDT ADC
 CHDT_ALLStructure defining a all the HDT devices
 CHDT_CAMStructure defining a HDT Camera
 CHDT_COMStructure defining a HDT COM
 CHDT_DEVICEStructure defining a HDT Device
 CHDT_DRIVEStructure defining a HDT drive
 CHDT_ENCODERStructure defining a HDT encoder
 CHDT_ENTRYStructure defining a HDT entry
 CHDT_IRTVStructure defining a HDT IRTV
 CHDT_MOTORStructure defining a HDT Motor
 CHDT_PSDStructure defining a HDT psd
 CHDT_SERVOStructure defining a HDT servo
 CHDT_TABLEStructure defining a HDT Table
 CHDT_TYPESStructure defining HDT Types
 CHINTSStructure defining a Hints for the LCD
 CINFO_CPUStructure defining the CPU info
 CINFO_MEMStructure defining the memory info
 CINFO_MISCStructure defining battery info
 CINFO_PROCStructure defining the processor info
 CIPL_CONFIGStructure defining the IP configs
 CIPL_POINTStructure defining an IP point
 CLCD_HANDLEStructure defining an LCD
 CLIST_MENUStructure defining a menu
 CMENU_ITEMStructure defining a menu item
 CPROC_PROCStructure defining the processes
 CPROC_PROCLISTStructure defining the process list
 CRECTStructure representing a rectangle
 CROBIOS_PARAMSStructure defining the params for the GUI
 CSCREENStructure defining a Screen for the LCD
 CSTACKStructure defining a simple stack for use storing iterations down folders
 CTASKStructure defining a TASK item
 CTOUCH_EVENTStructure defining touchscreen presses
 CTOUCH_MAPStructure defining boxes for touchscreen use
 CXYDISTANCEStructure defining a IP distance