Welcome to the EyeBot
Version 7 - RPi1
A Controller For Various Hardware IO
CBOX | Structure defining a rectangular box on the LCD |
CCOORD_PAIR | Structure representing the coordinates of a point |
CCURSOR | Structure defining the cursor for the LCD |
CEYEFONT | Structure defining a LCD fontcolour/name |
CFBINFO | Structure defining the Framebuffer info for the LCD |
CHDT_ADC | Structure defining a HDT ADC |
CHDT_ALL | Structure defining a all the HDT devices |
CHDT_CAM | Structure defining a HDT Camera |
CHDT_COM | Structure defining a HDT COM |
CHDT_DEVICE | Structure defining a HDT Device |
CHDT_DRIVE | Structure defining a HDT drive |
CHDT_ENCODER | Structure defining a HDT encoder |
CHDT_ENTRY | Structure defining a HDT entry |
CHDT_IRTV | Structure defining a HDT IRTV |
CHDT_MOTOR | Structure defining a HDT Motor |
CHDT_PSD | Structure defining a HDT psd |
CHDT_SERVO | Structure defining a HDT servo |
CHDT_TABLE | Structure defining a HDT Table |
CHDT_TYPES | Structure defining HDT Types |
CHINTS | Structure defining a Hints for the LCD |
CINFO_CPU | Structure defining the CPU info |
CINFO_MEM | Structure defining the memory info |
CINFO_MISC | Structure defining battery info |
CINFO_PROC | Structure defining the processor info |
CIPL_CONFIG | Structure defining the IP configs |
CIPL_POINT | Structure defining an IP point |
CLCD_HANDLE | Structure defining an LCD |
CLIST_MENU | Structure defining a menu |
CMENU_ITEM | Structure defining a menu item |
CPROC_PROC | Structure defining the processes |
CPROC_PROCLIST | Structure defining the process list |
CRECT | Structure representing a rectangle |
CROBIOS_PARAMS | Structure defining the params for the GUI |
CSCREEN | Structure defining a Screen for the LCD |
CSTACK | Structure defining a simple stack for use storing iterations down folders |
CTASK | Structure defining a TASK item |
CTOUCH_EVENT | Structure defining touchscreen presses |
CTOUCH_MAP | Structure defining boxes for touchscreen use |
CXYDISTANCE | Structure defining a IP distance |