Welcome to the EyeBot  Version 7 - RPi1
A Controller For Various Hardware IO
Data Fields
LCD_HANDLE Struct Reference

Structure defining an LCD. More...

#include <types.h>

Data Fields

int lcdNum
Display * d
int s
Window w
Colormap colormap
GC gc
XFontStruct * fontstruct
int fontType
int fontVariation
int fontSize
int fontHeight
int fontWidth
int height
int width
int startCurPosX
int startCurPosY
XColor fgTextColor
XColor bgTextColor
char colorflag
HWORD mode
MENU_ITEM menuItems [4]
int fd
bool X11Error
Screen * scr

Detailed Description

Structure defining an LCD.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: