Welcome to the EyeBot  Version 7 - RPi1
A Controller For Various Hardware IO
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 adc.hHeader file for the ADC functions
 audio.hHeader file for audio functionality
 camera.hCamera routines for the Raspberry Pi 2, modded for the EyeBot
 eyebot.hHeader file for the EyeBot functions
 globals.hHeader file for global variables
 hdt.hHeader file for the HDT functions
 imageProc.hDefines image processing fucntions
 inout.hDefines all the functions to connect to a serial USB/serial connection
 irtv.hHeader file for the IRTV functions
 key.hHeader file for the key functions
 lcd.hHeader file for the LCD functions
 listmenu.hCreates lists
 multitasking.hHeader file for multitasking functions
 psd_sensors.hHeader file for the PSD sensors functions
 radio.hDefines all the functions to connect to multiple EyeBots
 serial.hDefines all the functions to connect to a serial USB/serial connection
 servos_and_motors.hHeader file for the servos and motors functions
 system.hHeader file for system functions
 timer.hHeader file for timer functionality
 types.hDefines types used for the EyeBot 7
 vomega.hHeader file for the VW functions
 common.cDefines ocmmon functions used in the EyeBot GUI
 demo.cCode to run the demos sub-window on the GUI for the EyeBot
 header.hThe header containing all definitions for the GUI for the Eyebot 7
 main.cMain code to run the GUI for the EyeBot
 processes.cCode to handle multiple processes on the GUI
 adc.cDefines the ADC functions
 audio.cDefines functions for audio through the inbuilt speaker
 camera.cCamera routines for the Raspberry Pi 2, modded for the EyeBot
 globals.cDefines global variables
 hdt.cCode to run hardware sub-windowthe GUI for the EyeBot
 imageProc.cDefines the image processing functions for the eyebot
 inout.cDefines functions to interact with the IO board
 irtv.cDefines IRTV functions
 key.cDefines functions for the key input
 lcd.cDefines functions to interact with the LCD screen
 listmenu.cDefines all the fucntions for making/editing lists for the Eyebot
 multitasking.cDefines multitasking functions
 psd_sensors.cDefines functions to use the PSD sensors
 serial.cDefines functions to communicate via serial
 servos_and_motors.cDefines functions to control servos and motors
 system.cDefines functions for the system
 timer.cSets up and runs functions at given times
 vomega.cDefines the VW functions