Welcome to the EyeBot
Version 7 - RPi1
A Controller For Various Hardware IO
Files | |
file | adc.c |
Defines the ADC functions. | |
file | audio.c |
Defines functions for audio through the inbuilt speaker. | |
file | camera.c |
Camera routines for the Raspberry Pi 2, modded for the EyeBot. | |
file | globals.c |
Defines global variables. | |
file | hdt.c |
the code to run hardware sub-windowthe GUI for the EyeBot | |
file | imageProc.c |
Defines the image processing functions for the eyebot. | |
file | inout.c |
Defines functions to interact with the IO board. | |
file | irtv.c |
Defines IRTV functions. | |
file | key.c |
Defines functions for the key input. | |
file | lcd.c |
Defines functions to interact with the LCD screen. | |
file | listmenu.c |
Defines all the fucntions for making/editing lists for the Eyebot. | |
file | multitasking.c |
Defines multitasking functions. | |
file | psd_sensors.c |
Defines functions to use the PSD sensors. | |
file | radio.c |
file | serial.c |
Defines functions to communicate via serial. | |
file | servos_and_motors.c |
Defines functions to control servos and motors. | |
file | system.c |
Defines functions for the system. | |
file | timer.c |
Sets up and runs functions at given times. | |
file | vomega.c |
Defines the VW functions. | |