Welcome to the EyeBot  Version 7 - RPi1
A Controller For Various Hardware IO
listmenu.c File Reference

Defines all the fucntions for making/editing lists for the Eyebot. More...

#include "listmenu.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "lcd.h"


int listmenuSize (LIST_MENU listmenu)
 Returns the size of the list. More...
void listmenuToggleScroll (LIST_MENU *listmenu)
 Toggles the scroll functions. More...
int listmenuGetScroll (LIST_MENU listmenu)
 checks for the scroll value of the list More...
void listmenuInit (LIST_MENU *listmenu, char *name)
 initialises the list to display on the LCD More...
void listmenuAddItem (LIST_MENU *listmenu, char *name, void *plink)
 Adds an item (a string) to the list. More...
void listmenuFreeItems (LIST_MENU *listmenu)
 Frees the items in the list. More...
void listmenuChangeItemText (LIST_MENU *listmenu, char *newText, int index)
 Changes the item's name. More...
int listmenuGetIndex (LIST_MENU listmenu)
 Returns the index of the menu item. More...
char * listmenuGetItemText (LIST_MENU listmenu)
 Returns the text for the current menu itme. More...

Detailed Description

Defines all the fucntions for making/editing lists for the Eyebot.

Marcus Pham & Remi Keat

Function Documentation

void listmenuAddItem ( LIST_MENU listmenu,
char *  name,
void *  plink 

Adds an item (a string) to the list.

*listmenua pointer to the menu
namethe name of the item to add the list
*plinka pointer to a user function/data
void listmenuChangeItemText ( LIST_MENU listmenu,
char *  newText,
int  index 

Changes the item's name.

*listmenua pointer to the menu
newTextthe new name of the item to add the list
indexthe index of the item in the list
void listmenuFreeItems ( LIST_MENU listmenu)

Frees the items in the list.

*listmenua pointer to the menu
int listmenuGetIndex ( LIST_MENU  listmenu)

Returns the index of the menu item.

listmenuthe menu
the index of the item
char* listmenuGetItemText ( LIST_MENU  listmenu)

Returns the text for the current menu itme.

listmenuthe menu
the string representing the text
int listmenuGetScroll ( LIST_MENU  listmenu)

checks for the scroll value of the list

listmenuthe listmenu item
the scroll value
void listmenuInit ( LIST_MENU listmenu,
char *  name 

initialises the list to display on the LCD

*listmenua pointer to the menu
namethe name of the list
int listmenuSize ( LIST_MENU  listmenu)

Returns the size of the list.

listmenuthe menu to check
the size of the list
void listmenuToggleScroll ( LIST_MENU listmenu)

Toggles the scroll functions.

*listmenua pointer to the list